Yep. you read that right! Mom and Dad are actively searching for a new friend for me.

It all started last Saturday. Mom and Dad went to the County Animal Services to scope things out. Mom said it was so awful. She could feel all of the sadness, anxiety, and neediness pouring off of the “inmates”. There were 6 rows of dogs in the big dog room – where they started. They looked at each dog, not really stopping for more than a moment by each. When they got to the 5th row, Mom saw an older female pit bull. She knelt down, their eyes met and Mom burst into tears. She told Dad that she could hear Khia in her head saying, “Take her….she’s the one!” As adamant as Dad was about not adopting an older dog, he showed interest and they took her to the play room.

“Molly” was in rough shape. She was found as a stray and has had puppies. She was filthy and had gnats swarming her girly bits. Her bottom canine teeth were broken and she had obvious cavities in each of her large lower molars. As Mom and Dad are still trying to recover from the hit to their bank account from Mya and Khia’s last illnesses, her teeth were a major cause for concern. “Molly” was super smart though. She knew the commands sit, paw, down, and roll over. Just like my Khia. She gave Mom and Dad lots of kisses, she let them rub her belly, and she jumped in each of their laps. The employee that was helping Mom and Dad said they would speak with the vet staff on Monday to find out roughly how old she was, if her dental care was something that had to be done right away, etc. One of the things she was able to find out right away was that “Molly” showed some aggression towards other dogs in play group. Mom and Dad didn’t write her off though because they realize that a shelter is not an appropriate place to judge a dog’s personality. If all went well with the vet staff exam, they were going to arrange a sleep over (that’s really what it’s called) so that we could meet. Mom refused to put me in the car and take me down there. She explained that I have enough car anxiety without going to the shelter.


In the meantime, Mom and Dad decided to go to the small/medium dog room. Here, they each fell in love with a younger dog. Of course, because it’s my Mom and Dad, it wasn’t the same dog. That would be too easy. Dad fell for a bully mix named “Ashley” and Mom fell for what looked like a mini golden retriever named “Sarah”.

“Ashley” was the first to come out to play. Mom and Dad agreed that she was perfect as far as behavior as she was very submissive. That is important because I am a grouch when I first meet other dogs. If the other dog is aggressive too, it’ll be a disaster. “Ashley” also knew how to sit and lay down. She was a stray that had demodex mange but most of her fur has grown back. She also seems to have something going on with her right eye because it’s a little squinty. Mom and Dad disagree about how old she is – Dad says she’s a year or older and Mom declares she’s 6 months. Mom said to Dad, “She still has a puppy wimper!!!!” Duh, Dad! BOL! There are 2 things Mom didn’t like about Ashley: if she is only 6 months old, Mom thinks she’s going to be HUGE. The other thing, she has fur EXACTLY like Khia’s: 1/2″ long, orange, needles! Yes, Mom called Khia’s fur needles because they get stuck in everything and literally poked you so hard it hurt. I think “Ashley” looks just like Khia except instead of pink, she has a black nose, black-rimmed eyes, and black lips.



According to Mom, “Sarah” looks just like the dog of Mom’s dreams. She a bit larger than me (still the perfect size for Mom’s liking) and has fabulously spunky ears. Unfortunately, there are 2 problems with “Sarah”: 1) she’s a spit fire – Mom isn’t sure if that’s her true nature or just because she’s locked in a tiny kennel, 2) she was brought in as a voluntary surrender because her owner went to jail. It’s possible that “Sarah” will be reclaimed within the next 10 days. If not, she’s available for adoption.



In the end, Mom and Dad left and decided to just wait to hear about “Molly”.

Well, on Monday, Mom got a call from the nice woman who helped them on Saturday. According to the vet staff (not actual vets, just their staff) “Molly” is approximately 5-6 years old. Her teeth don’t need to be pulled or tended to right away because no pulp is visible. All good right? No. “Molly” is heartworm positive. As much as Mom and Dad would love to pull her out and take care of her, there isn’t an extra $50-60/month left in the budget to provide the medicine she would need. Don’t worry though. Her diagnosis isn’t a death sentence. There were plenty of other heartworm positive dogs there who are being treated.

So, Mom and Dad are going to go to a few of the other shelters around the area this coming Friday. Mom keeps assuring Dad that when the perfect imperfect dog meant for them comes along, they will both agree!

Please keep “Molly”, “Ashley”, “Sarah”, and all of the other dogs in shelters/rescues in your prayers.

Love and *Ear Licks*,


About noodle4president

I was a discarded, lost little stray without a house or a family...until my mom found me. Now, I am the happiest, most loved dog in the whole world!

35 responses »

  1. colinandray says:

    Hi Noodle Buddy. You tell your Mom and Dad not to give up on Molly. Regardless of potential dental work or heartworm treatment (and I know all about that), the shelter probably has a contingency fund for such a situation. If Molly is the one you all want, and money is holding things back, then let the shelter know. They are not likely to casually offer to help but, if you ask, who knows? Also they will no doubt have a business arrangement with local vets who, once again, may be pleased to assist if requested to do so. It really does sound as if Molly urgently needs a good home like yours! Woof! Ray.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. raisingdaisy says:

    How exciting that you’re going to have a new buddy, Noodle! Whoever Mom and Dad decide to bring home, I’m sure they’ll be a wonderful addition to the family. Can’t wait to see pics of your new friend! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Will and Eko says:

    Oh man, so exciting! Hope you guys find the right pup to be Noodle’s vice-president.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Will! Mom just read your post about Penny’s energy and now she’s terrified of what they’ll end up with if they get a younger dog whose “spirit” isn’t fully developed yet.


  4. Awwww…good luck guys! I know you’ll find a great match, just take your time looking. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. corkscot says:

    Heartworm treatment is a lot of money. The dog has to be kept quiet for weeks. Good luck with your choice. Life is more fun with a sibling.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Dat are eggcitin dat you’re gonna have a new buddy.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. maggie0019 says:

    I’m sorry it didn’t work out with Molly. 😦 I fell in love with her picture. Woof!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. nordhuesn says:

    Oh. She peep thought all 3 were so good. But your Peeps are right to wait for the right match for the family. To many people do not put thought into such a commitment and the dogs get abandoned or turned back in. You have smart Peeps. Scottie novenas that they will all find good homes soon.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Noodle, I’m happy for you guys that Mom and Dad are looking for a new family member! Don’t you worry they have more than enough love to share. I’ll be keeping all of you in my prayers as the search continues for just the right pup to join your family. I’ll be praying for the other pups as well. They were so precious. love and cuddles

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Noodle honey, why don’t you ask your mom and dad to get another boy? Girls are always in charge, so you might get a new boss….or girlfriend….you wouldn’t get a new girlfriend, right? *Lots of extra ear licks and wiggles* Lexi ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Charlie says:

    Crikey Noodle …… that’s real exciting news. It’s tough for your Mom and Dad choosing the right one but when it comes along they’ll know. We worry and think about all the shelter dogs. I sure hope Molly, Ashley and Sarah find good homes. It’s not much fun in those shelters, aye?

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Noodle, that’s great that you get a new friend soon. I cross my paws for Molly, Ashley Sarah and all friends who have need a home.And I hope so much that all dogs and cats will get the love they deserved…

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Oh we certainly will keep all the doggies in all the shelters in our prayers – everyone deserves a forever home but sometimes it’s best to find the very BEST match possible when you already have other pets at home. I know your parents want YOU to be happy too!!!!! When the right one comes along, they will know it…….and your family will be “just right”.

    Love, Sammy

    Liked by 1 person

  14. All of them are so precious, makes you want to take them all home with you. Good luck with the ongoing search. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Nylabluesmum says:

    Wee held our breaths reedin yur bloggie Noodle…
    Wee will purray fur Molly an Ashley an Sarah doggiess….
    LadyMum was at thee Shelter today to see 2 kitties; wee will blog ’bout them soon….an NO mee did not get a fursib…it was close tho’…
    Mew mew mew…
    ***ear lickss*** an **paw patsss** Yur BFF Siddhartha Henry xxxx

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Oh this was a tough read for mom. We are keeping our paws crossed for Molly, Ashley and Sarah, and all the other pups in the shelter. How do you feel about getting a brother or sister Noodle?
    Wally & Sammy

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  17. Noodle, tell your mom and dad to keep an open heart and an open mind and the right dog will come to them. I saw many dogs that I liked but just didn’t connect with until I saw Jacques’ picture. As soon as I saw his picture, I knew he was the one. Little did I know that it was my late German shepherd playing a cosmic joke on me. I swear Niko is in doggie heaven laughing his butt off at me.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Oh Dude…this must be a tense time for you. I wonder what kind of buddy you’ll get. She has to understand this was your place first. My heart is with you Noodles. I hope a neat playmate is in store for you. Kali and I will be purring for Sarah, Ashley and Mollie and all the other dogs and cats in shelters…hope. we hope they all find forever homes very soon.


    Liked by 1 person

  19. Jan K says:

    We hope that each of these dogs will find the right home, and we know that your Mom and Dad will find the perfect companion for you and your family, Noodle. We think you will be happy to have a new sibling, sometimes it just takes time to adjust! Good luck in the search!

    Liked by 1 person

  20. […] back in July when Mom and Dad first started looking for a new dog? Remember how they met […]


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