We did something crazy.  MOM did something crazy. (How out of character, right? *rolls eyes*)

Remember back in July when Mom and Dad first started looking for a new dog? Remember how they met Molly?


And remember how they really loved her but her medical issues were a financial burden that they couldn’t handle?

Well, Mom hasn’t stopped thinking about Molly. She kept checking to see if Molly had been adopted yet but was always disappointed when she would see Molly’s sweet face on the website. She started dreaming about her and seeing her pictures everywhere (mostly various facebook pages). Three weeks ago, she was at the courthouse for work and there, in the middle of the lobby, was Molly’s mugshot. Dead center of a bulletin board with about 20 other dogs looking for homes.

She got out to her car and called Dad. She told him how she felt like Khia was still pushing her to get Molly and that it was a big mistake not getting her. Dad, being as crazy as he is, said, “So let’s go get her!” Mom, as rational as she tries to be said, “But what about the heart worm and all the dental problems? We don’t have money for that! Not to mention a third set of flea and heart worm preventatives!”

When Mom got home from work, they continued to talk things over. Another major concern was that the shelter told Mom and Dad that Molly had an “incident” in the play yard with another dog and they didn’t think she’d do well with other dogs. They weren’t worried about me causing problems but Macy is so rude that they figured Molly would kill her in two seconds if what the shelter said was true.

After much back and forth, Mom decided the best thing to do was take Macy and Me down for a “meet and greet”. If that didn’t work, Mom could put the whole thing to rest and not even worry about the medical/financial part of it all.


When we met Molly, everything went great. Now Mom was really in a bind.

Dad and her talked to the administrative peoples about different options. See, even though they knew Molly has heart worms, they weren’t treating her (other than monthly preventative). They also hadn’t done anything with her teeth. Mom and Dad were given 3 options:

  1. Adopt
  2. 7 Day Sleepover
  3. Adoption Ambassador: A 4-month fostering commitment

After mulling it over (Mom just taught me that saying), they decided on #3, the fostering program. As much as they wanted to adopt Molly right then and there, Mom knew they couldn’t do it, financially.

So, the very next day (10/17/15), which happened to be 6 months from the day Khia passed, Mom and Dad went back and sprung Molly:





Freedom Ride Part 1

Freedom Ride Part 1

Freedom Ride Part 2

Freedom Ride Part 2

Freedom Ride Part 3

Freedom Ride Part 3

I absolutely LOVE Molly. She reminds me SO much of my Khia. I love giving her ear licks.

Day 1

Day 1

Mom says she feels much more complete with Molly here. Molly makes her feel like Khia has more of a presence.



Cuddling with Mom

Cuddling with Mom

Macy is learning that she can’t be the brat she’s been because Molly will put her in her place. She really loves Molly, though. They roughhouse together all day. At least Macy’s  finally leaving me alone!


Notice I’m nowhere to be found? I watch from a safe distance:


Molly has a vet appointment on Friday so some questions can be answered:

  • How old is  Molly? The shelter says 4 and Mom says no way in you know where.
  • How many teeth does she need teeth pulled?  On Tuesday of last week, she started showing signs of a lot of pain coming from her mouth. Almost all of her teeth are broken and quite a few have visible cavities.
  • How severe is the heart worm? Is it severe enough to warrant the aggressive treatment or will monthly preventatives eventually cure it? Also, depending on her age, is it worth it to put her through aggressive treatment?
  • What is that lump behind her left ear?
  • Why does she yelp when she jumps? Is it her back or her hips?
  • Is there anything else wrong with her?

Regardless of the answers, Mom and Dad really want Molly to become a permanent resident. Mom feels that we need to do this for Khia. At this point, the only thing preventing that from happening is being able to get her the care she needs.  Unfortunately, that means we are going to have to figure out a way to take care of her financially. That’s why Mom has set up a GoFundMe page:


Once we have answers from the vet, the page will be updated with information on and the cost of Molly’s care.

We are reaching out to you, our friends, who have stood by us through our happiest times and our roughest times. We need your help. Anything you can spare is appreciated. Let’s give Molly a fighting chance!

All tucked in for the night.

All tucked in for the night with Mya’s stuffed turtle.


About noodle4president

I was a discarded, lost little stray without a house or a family...until my mom found me. Now, I am the happiest, most loved dog in the whole world!

45 responses »

  1. Three Pups and a Couple of Kitties says:

    I am so happy that Molly is with you guys! Sounds like she is the perfect fit for so many reasons. I’ll be praying about her vet appointment. I’m glad you have a go fund me account set up for her care. Please keep us posted.
    Hugs and cuddles

    Liked by 1 person

  2. guess what? you have the bestest parents of slice earth…. that was so nice from your dad to say “let’s get her” because he knew that this girl is in your mommas thoughts efurry day…. I cross my paws for the vet appointment and I hope there is a way that Molly can get the treatments she needs and a furever home.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh wow! A new sister huh Noodle? Well now isn’t THAT going to be fun! We sure hope that Molly is in better shape than she sounds……the vet will give you the REAL scoop after her visit I’m sure. If we find any spare $$ around here we’ll be happy to help but so many of our friends need help and we don’t want to ignore anyone…..it makes it very hard. But we certainly are thrilled that Molly has a home and you have made it possible for her to enjoy being part of a REAL family.

    Love, Sammy

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi, Sammy! It actually is fun. She’s a much better sister than Macy. She gives me my space and doesn’t jumpy all over me. She’s also making Macy be a better sister. We completely understand about wanting to help everyone. Just keep her in your thoughts 🙂 *ear licks* Noodle


  4. AWWW that’s amazing that your trying to help another dog out!! 🙂 Hope the vet trip goes well, we will be waiting for an update!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • We’re all rescues in this house except 2 of the bunnies and Franklin. Everyone else was found on the street or taken in because their owner couldn’t care for them anymore. We just have to keep paying it forward. *ear licks* Noodle

      Liked by 1 person

  5. She is so beautiful & her smile is absolutely heart-melting! I’m so happy you took a chance w/her & that so far everything is working out!! I volunteer with a rescue group in CA (Outlaw Dogs) & will post the fundraising link on my FB page as well as theirs – hope we can be of some help! Xo

    Liked by 1 person

  6. raisingdaisy says:

    Oh what wonderful parents you have, Noodle! I’ll be Molly is beyond thrilled to be living in such a loving home. I hope the vet says the heartworm isn’t bad and that everything else can be taken care of within reasonable costs. Molly certainly deserves to have a good home after all she’s been through. We’ll keep our fingers and paws crossed for good news from the vet!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. DZ Dogs says:

    That is sooo sweet!!! Prayers and paws crossed that the vet has good news regarding Molly!
    We just started a product review of Rejenease.com and will be doing a giveaway near christmas time for a free product sample. Tell your mum to consider putting Molly on some glucosamine supplements to help with her joint health and joint pain. I have Dante and Ziva on glucosamine even though they are young simply as a preventative.
    Another great brand is Glycoflex! And instead of a liquid you put into their dog food the glycoflex is a chewable yummy treat and my dogs loved it as well. It’d be a good idea to get the whole family started just as a preventative measure and too keep those joints healthy. 🙂
    Coconut oil is also good for joint health, you can put it straight into the food – Dante, Ziva, and Jack go nuts for it! About 1 teaspoon per 10 pounds of dog.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Excellent information as always! Mom and Dad were discussing giving her the glucosamine tablets that we have left from Mya and Khia. The only problem is that they’re too hard for her to chew. Mom said she’s going to crush them and put them in her food. Using glucosamine as a preventative sounds like a really good idea. So does the coconut oil! Again, thanks for always stopping by and leaving great advice! *ear licks* Noodles


  8. Murphy & Stanley says:

    When that little nagging voice tells you to do something it is usually a good idea to listen to it. Welcome Molly!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Jan K says:

    It sounds like Molly is exactly where she is supposed to be….congratulations to all of you! We hope you get some good answers from the vet so that you can get Molly feeling good soon.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Let us know when you have an update! I am hoping it goes well and you get lots of good news! Molly deserves some good news (I mean, not that getting to come home with you isn’t good news – obviously – but a dog like Molly should get some more good news as well!).

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Molly sounds like a sweetheart Noodle. She seems to have some very troubling issues. The pain is the one that bothers me the most. Will be waiting for an update after the vet visit.


    Liked by 2 people

    • Oh, she is, Shoko! Her pain is definitely concerning. Hopefully, the vet will prescribe something for her until whatever is causing it can be fixed. I promise to update on Friday! *ear licks* Noodle


  12. The Admiral says:

    This is really the best post ever. Seems like Molly is a very stabilizing force in the family. Fingers crossed all goes well at the vet.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Awww, thank you! She really has balanced things out. Don’t get me wrong, she needs work in certain areas but that’s to be expected with her history (living on the street and then in the shelter). If she’s willing to give us a chance, we’re willing to give her a chance or two 😉 *ear licks* Noodle


  13. We joined in the GoFundMe for Molly. Good luck with her vet visit. Mom’s old dog Smoki sent Mom the message to pick me. She felt it like crazy, and luckily even though I was all wrong, she listened. And it turned out I wasn’t wrong at all – I was PERFECT!

    Love and licks,

    Liked by 2 people

    • Cupcake and Ms. Cupcake’s Mom, we cannot thank you enough for your donation. Mom about fell off of the sofa when she got the alert. This community is what friendship is all about. Cupcake, we are so happy your Mom picked you. We couldn’t imagine our lives without you. *ear licks* Noodle


  14. maggie0019 says:

    I just knew it. Those dogs get a soft spot in your heart. Congratulations!!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Awe so great of you to give Molly a chance. It’s too bad the shelter can’t help with the cost of any of her treatments. You will give her a great home.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. cannibalpredator says:

    After we lost Zaza, the house had felt so empty, the family felt a little broken too. For months we’d been wanting to adopt a grey hound and two months ago we finally did. Her name is Dakota. She was bred in the townships for hunting but she has no predatory drive whatsoever, when we first met her she was sleeping on a couch with a ton of cats, she doesn’t even fetch toys (although she has taken an interest in the frisbee).
    She also had a multitude of medical problems when we got her, all manner of sicknesses and parasites. She’s gotten better though. A while ago one of our other dogs, Chocolate, our blue whippet, got jealous and bit her; he left two big gashes down her side just in front of her left hind leg. So we had her stitched up, but there was just a flap of skin in the middle, which very quickly tore so the scar was massive. Then she started rejecting the stitches (she had double stitching on the inside, apparently there was muscle damage), so they cut her open again and removed the stitches, and now she has an even bigger scar on her left side.

    In all, she’s doing just fine now. She generally stays separate from the other dogs but they get along just fine when they are together.

    It’s so nice to have another dog again. The house always feels so empty when one of them leaves.

    Liked by 1 person

    • OMD! How awful!!! Us rescues never seem to have a shortage of medical problems. Mom says it’s worth the love we give in return. I remember reading your post about Zaza and how sad it was. I’m happy that you have Dakota now. Of course she’ll never replace Zaza but she will fill in the quiet left behind by Zaza. *ear licks* Noodle

      Liked by 1 person

      • cannibalpredator says:

        Thanks Noodle! (and Noodle’s mom).
        You’re right, she’ll never replace Zaza, but Dakota is slowly filling Zaza’s shoes (pawprints?) as the queen of our pack of hounds.

        Liked by 1 person

  17. gahlearner says:

    Reblogged this on Flights of Fancy and commented:
    Reblogging this, because the Noodle blog is one of my favs to read, and because Noodle’s people are wonderful with animals and help wherever they can, but vet costs can accumulate quickly.
    Maybe some of you do want to help, or maybe know how to find a sponsor for Molly, the dog who needs help. Just check out the blog.


  18. cafewand says:

    We don’t have a lot, but when mum gets paid, she will give. She loves all animals, she likes your Peoples do too! Congrats on your family Molly Dolly. We are glad you can be loved and bring joy! 🙂 -Padfoot & KyloRen

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Sammie had the same look – I think it’s their excitement at going HOME – during her “freedom ride”. I’m so glad everyone gets along and we’ll be thinking about you all as you wait for your vet visit.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Mom and I will try to help. Great idea about the go fund me. I am so waggy that you have a new best friend, Noodle, honey.

    Liked by 1 person

    • You and your Mom are the bee’s knees (don’t ask me what that means…I just know Mom says it). I think you’d actually like Molly. She keeps to herself unless you ask her to play. Thankfully, Macy is learning from her. *ear licks* my little lovebug

      Liked by 1 person

  21. Nylabluesmum says:

    Mee-you Noodle mee Moodle wee DO reememburr Molly an wee so wanted her to come live with youss’!!! Khia sure knowss how to get her message across, mew mew mew….shee iss ALOT like mee Aunty Nylablue who comess here inn spirit ALOT! LadyMum saw her on thee bed last nite an thott it was mee….butt mee was inn pedestal bed nappin…. 😉 Aunty iss here with us!
    Back to youss’…now Macy has a furend with Molly an that meenss you not have to entertain Macy AN you getss to **ear lick** a cute gurl Molly! Iss a win-win inn mee eyes….
    If wee could offer $money$ wee wood. Mee new foodabullss an Probye-otickss are a bit costlee an LadyMum iss on reel TITE budget (an shee iss payin Aunty Sheila fur thee Vet bill also).
    So wee goin purr an send LOTSS of POTP fur fingss to tern out good for all of youss’!!!!
    **nose bumpsss** an ^^^ear licksss^^^ Siddhartha Henry Penry xxxxxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • That’s so awesome that she visits with you guys. It’s a nice feeling knowing that they’re still communicating with us. I’m forever thankful to Molly for getting Macy of my back.. Literally! Please don’t feel bad about not donating. You need to take care of you before anyone else. If something happened to you it would kill us. *ear licks* Noodle

      Liked by 1 person

      • Nylabluesmum says:

        **nose kissesss** Fankss Noodle mee Moodle……LadyMum iss goin to email yur Mumma an tell her sumfing…..An fankss fur beein so kind…fingss are tricky here at thee moment!!!
        An yes it iss cool when we see Aunty Nylablue….an even Aunty Mingflower sumtimess……
        Mee wantss to bee here fur a berry long time mee BFF….
        **paw patsss** an ~~ear lickss~~ Siddhartha Henry Penry~~

        Liked by 1 person

  22. cdog5 says:

    Noodle, what a sweet pup Molly is and what sweet people your people are for taking her into your home. Congratulations!

    Liked by 1 person

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