In all my self-pity,  I forgot to tell/show you guys something super gross.


Macy lost 4 baby teeth the first day she was home! Mom thinks maybe she never had a chew toy before then. She lost another one on Monday! If she’s not careful, she’s going to be toothless!

I also forgot to tell you that Macy came to us with Kennel Cough. Today she takes her last antibiotic. She’s just hacking and gagging and snotting everywhere. Nasty.

Continuing with my theme of grossness. I can’t remember if I told you all that Jamison has been sick since he had to get his rabies vaccine. He got it on Friday, July 24th. By the following Monday, he was very lethargic and was going between constipation and diarrhea. Wednesday, the 29th,  was the day Macy arrived. Jamison, as you saw, was playing with her so Mom and Dad weren’t too worried. That is until Saturday morning when Mom woke up to poo in the shower and diarrhea in the kitchen. GAG! Off to the vet!

The vet ordered blood work and Jamison was having NONE of it! They had to sedate him. He was SO sick for the rest of Saturday. He even threw up all over himself. Of course, being that it was Saturday, the blood work results wouldn’t be in until Monday.

So along comes Monday and by noon Mom was getting antsy. She called the vet’s office and they said the results were on the doctor’s desk and that Mom would hear from her by the end of the day. Guess what? Mom didn’t hear from her. Tuesday morning, Mom calls and says as much. The receptionist tells Mom the doctor’s in surgery and they would put a note on her desk. Around noon, the receptionist calls back to say the blood work came back fine and to give Jamison some mirolax since he hadn’t pooped since Saturday evening. He’s also on liquid amoxicillin for a week. Mom and Dad have been having LOTS of fun giving that to him!

As of yesterday, we are officially done with that vet’s office. Mom scheduled Macy’s 2nd set of shots with a new vet that’s going to come to see us at our house! The price for the visit isn’t that much different and hopefully since it’s a one-doctor practice, the service will be better.

Anywho, I’ll be posting some new videos later. In the meantime, here are some pics of Macy and me:

Macy the Goober

Macy the Goober

I get the best spot in the house - Mom's lap!

I get the best spot in the house – Mom’s lap!

BUT!!! Every night, Macy Pebbles has to curl up next to me:



*eyeball roll*

About noodle4president

I was a discarded, lost little stray without a house or a family...until my mom found me. Now, I am the happiest, most loved dog in the whole world!

50 responses »

  1. POTP to Macy and Jamison, I hope the new dogtor can chase away all scary things and it is a better one than the one you had by now. It’s the worst when you sit on glowing coals, waiting for a phonecall what’s so important…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Three Pups and a Couple of Kitties says:

    Noodle, You were right that was a lot of grossness 🙂 I’m glad Jamison is feeling better. I’m very glad Mom is trying a new vet I hope things goes better. Those teeth look familiar. Is Macy getting her permanent teeth? Our Bess was the first dog that we’ve ever had that spit out her puppy teeth, we found them everywhere! Boy were we glad when she had all of her grown up pup teeth. Love the pictures of you snuggling with Mom and Macy. Love and cuddles

    Liked by 1 person

    • Miss Margret, she just keeps spitting em out like watermelon seeds! Mom has only one of my teeth. I can’t wait for all of Macy’s puppy teeth to come out because they are super hurty! I’m glad you enjoyed the pictures. ❤ *ear licks*


  3. Wow, sedation for blood work. Wow, the vet didn’t care enough to call your Mom back. Kennel cough, oh no! I hope you had your vaccination, Noodle. Mom says the vaccination is only food for 6 months. Wow. I’m at work and going back to sleep now.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, Mom said he sounded like a mountain cat in the back. My last vaccination was in January. So far, I seem to feel okay but Mom has been keeping an eye on me just in case. Your work sounds exhausting! I think I’ll nap too. Meet you in dreamland my queen! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Ok, I meant good for 6 months, not food. Don’t try to eat it. (You can tell where my mind always is.)

    Liked by 1 person

  5. thehuskpugandme says:

    Awwwwww! So cute!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Genis LeyNel says:

    OMD. PLease get better everyone. Here’s something to laugh about – my mom has had all her teeth extracted on Friday and she got a brand new set from the dentist. Her smile is worth a million dollars, but she hasn’t learnt to eat properly yet. If Macy’s teeth don’t grow back, maybe this is the way to go.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. nordhuesn says:

    Yuck! Ick! Elsa has been sick since Saturday also with runny poo. Must be something in the air. She goes to the dogtor this afternoon. With her having lupus we are vigilant. Your mommy’s lap looks comfy. You and Macy have matching (almost) black spotted butts! Hope all are well soon.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Poor Elsa! I hope she feels better soon. I didn’t know she had lupus 😦 My Mom’s lap is the most comfortable lap in the whole world! I will admit, we do look kinda cute butt-to-butt 😛


  8. Cupcake says:

    That title was perfect for this post. I hope the new vet is a success. Macy looks up to you a lot, N. She has a lot to learn. Maybe start with not chewing her toys so hard that she ends up looking like Toothless Uncle Bill.

    Love and licks,

    Liked by 1 person

    • Cupcake, do you know what her favorite toy is now???? My old stuffingless teddy bear! Mom hid my most favorite toys but gave her that one since it was softer than the teething chew toys they bought her. That bear keeps her quiet so I’m not complaining!


  9. Poor Macy! Are they baby teeth falling out or WHAT? That’s a lot of teeth falling out! EEEK! I’m glad the two of you are kinda getting used to being around each other Noodle even a snuggle or two on the couch. That’s GOOD of you to be her friend – she doesn’t know anyone else but you, Jamieson and your Mom and Dad so she needs you! I hope Jamieson is alright – maybe just upset about the disruption in routine??????

    Hugs, Sammy

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yes, just baby teeth! I can’t wait until they’re all gone because those things are SHARP! The vet thought that the change may be upsetting Jamison but this seems to have started before Macy even got here. His blood work came back okay and he’s on antibiotics now.


  10. Princess Leah says:

    Dear Noodles, please don’t hate fur saying this butts, you and Macy curled up togethers is sooooo cute. Poor darling she has been through it hasn’t she. Paws crossed fur healthy pups and push-t-cats and a very HAPPY Noodles, luffs you
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

    Liked by 2 people

    • PL, you’re just stating what Mom says is the obvious. I’m not mad. She’s pretty warm and that’ll be nice during the winter. I guess I feel a little bad for the goofball. I know what it’s like not to have a home. I will try to be more sympathetic now. Thanks for the well wishes. *ear licks* Noodle

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Mrs P says:

    OK I noticed 2 things in the last photo that made me chuckle I see Macy is trying to copy your spot camouflage and your body language was something akin to ‘DONT TOUCH ME AAAUUUUUUGGGGGHHHH”

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Nylabluesmum says:

    Good greef Macy had thee kennel coff?? That can bee berry nasty Noodle! Mee hopess Macy gets over that soon an oh my all her teethss efurrywhere! Thiss doggie needss to bee with yur Pawentss!!! An even tho’ Jamieson iss thee evill kittyboy wee sad he iss so sick with whatefurr it iss hee doess have!! Throwin up on himself>>>>gross!!! Wee send BIG POTP to all of youss’ there. ~~~head rubsss~~~ Siddhartha Henry~~~


    • Yes, she finished her antibiotic yesterday but she’s still coughing a little bit. It takes some times to go away. I think Jamison is starting to feel better to. My paws are crossed because as much as he drives me nuts, I don’t want anything to happen to him *ear licks* Noodle


  13. corkscot says:

    We have a collection of teeth from all of the babies that have lived in our house. You look like you are enjoying Macy more than you want us to believe. Get well soon Jamison. I’ve had dogs that reacted badly to shots.

    Liked by 2 people

  14. maggie0019 says:

    awwww little toofless! I’m so glad you are cozying up to your new sister. And, if Jamison is sick, he’s not thinking of joining the pack. (bright side). hope everyone is better, soon!!! Woof!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. cafewand says:

    Awe Padfoot is having an issue with tapeworm again. What we are paying for his wellness plan is better just put in our savings account because we had a 40.00 Bill on top of what they take from us. I hope Macy and Jamison start to feel better! All that creep and crud can follow from pounds/rescues! Keep your hazard mask on Noodle! 😷

    Liked by 1 person

  16. nordhuesn says:

    Elsa has an infection in her gut. Probably from eating bunny bon bons in the yard. Now mom has to take her out on lead so she can watch her.


  17. Hope da new vet works out for y’all!


  18. Wanna hear something gross? Our mom has a little tin box in her bedside drawer that has a baby tooth from each of us (Wally, Sammy, Simone and Talullah) in it. She says we’re her babies and it’s what parents do. GROSS! and WEIRD!

    We’ve been looking at Macy and based on her tail and paws we definitely think she’s got some Great Dane in her! BOL! You better start being nice to her Noodle because in a few months time she may just be bigger than you!

    Wally & Sammy

    PeeS: Even though Jamison is a cat, we hope he is feeling better.

    Liked by 1 person

    • What is it with Mom’s and teeth?!?!?! Soooo weird! What would they think if we kept a piece of every stick we’ve ever had in our beds? It’s just not normal! If Macy does get that big, maybe she will let me stand on her back so I can be tall and see all the stuff I can’t see now because I’m short! About Jamison – my sentiments exactly. Talk to you soon! *ear licks* Noodle


  19. Oh Noodle, I can’t get over Macy’s ears! Just too adorable. Sorry about Jamison and Ms. Macy being sick. Yeah, I think you’re right to move on to a different vet’s office. The staff are really the pits even if the vet gives good care. Better to have a facility that has both that you like. Hope everyone feels better soon and you and the sister can start to building a great bond.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Oh, goodness! We certainly hope everyone returns to their healthy & happy states STAT!! Love & puppy power to you!!

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Deziz World says:

    Weez so sowry ’bout da sicks. Me got weally sick after meez rabies shot tooo. So me totally feels fur Jamison. It took a mumff fur me to get better, but our VET never wuld call mommy back. Me had water fur stools/poop mommy sez and me was so lethargic mommy was scared me was gunna die. Weez sendin’ ourrayers fur everypawdy’s healff and hope da new VVET is faw better.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

    Liked by 1 person

    • OMD! Yeah, mom isn’t going to vaccinate Jamison anymore. She hadn’t dive it in years because he has no access to the outside.. Not even a patio. It seems a lot of vets are reconsidering vaccines for cats because they cause sarcomas. I’m glad you’re ok ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      • Deziz World says:

        Well our VET is a money hungwy __ __ words we don’t say, so hims insistin’ on da vaccines no matter what. But mommy sez dat’s okay, weez’ll be gettin’ a new vet afur next year. Weez glad Jamison is okay too.

        Luv ya’

        Dezi and Lexi

        Liked by 1 person

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