
(Before reading this story, make sure you have read my post from July 8th: And the Oscar Goes To….)

It was 2 years ago, July 1st.

Khia and I were playing with a friend’s kids and the little boy screamed while I was chasing him. Khia, being the protector of kids that she was, thought I hurt him and came barreling into me. I rolled and rolled and rolled like a little black and white tumbleweed.

****ohhhhhhh the painnnnnnnnnnnn****

I stood up and….


My kneecap was on the side of my leg!

A quick trip to the vet and my kneecap was back where it belonged. I was still limping though from the inflammation. The doctor gave me pain medicine to take at home.

For the following weeks, when I would stand up, my leg would be bent and I would extend it all the way backward (think dancer leg extensions). Sometimes that little stretch would really help.

I noticed when I was hurt that I was getting so much extra loving and I was hardly getting in trouble. Well, sooner than later, I was all healed BUT I didn’t quite let Mom and Dad know that.

See, if I did something “bad”, as soon as I got caught, I would lift my “bad” leg and start that stretching. I’d even start limping again. Look – it’s even part of my chart at the vet!


BOL! Caught!

Oh well, I still continued to do it for a little while longer. Mom couldn’t resist how cute it was.

Make sure you check out Lexi’s Memory Monday!

About noodle4president

I was a discarded, lost little stray without a house or a family...until my mom found me. Now, I am the happiest, most loved dog in the whole world!

15 responses »

  1. that’s a super idea… but I’m afraid my staff would drag me to the vet immediately when I start to limp…. is there another trick how to avoid a trip to the vet? maybe spontaneous healing as soon as they bring the car?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Cupcake says:

    Mom had a dog once that did that – every time she was naughty, she limped like when she was hurt, even though she was healed. I don’t bother. My face is always so pathetic, I don’t even need to limp or stretch like I’m sore.

    Love and licks,

    Liked by 1 person

  3. fredrieka says:

    Oh the beginning is tough but what a great adventure Noodle right?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. […] Now, my amazing four year old boyfriend, Noodle, shares a Monday Memory. […]

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  5. nordhuesn says:

    Mom Peep says “what a little stinker!” We say great idea! It’s now in our bag of things THEY won’t know about.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Cute and completely adorbs, Noodle. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Nylabluesmum says:

    Mew mew mew…that iss a grate story Noodle!! Sorry you gotted hert inn thee ferst palce butt Khia was just doin her job inn a way!!
    Now mee must figure out HOW mee can use thiss fur mee advantage!! 😉
    Don’t tell LadyMum ok???
    ***ear licksss*** an ~~head rubsss~~
    Yur BFF Siddhartha Henry xxxxx

    Liked by 1 person

  8. corkscot says:

    Who said that animals do not have the capacity to think? Play it for all that it is worth.

    Liked by 1 person

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