Whew! I have had THE busiest day of my entire life. I’ll have you know, I’m so tired that I am dictating this post to my Mom for her to type tonight because I can’t even move a muscle. I’m actually talking through my teeth because I can’t muster the energy to open my mouth.

I woke up early this morning. Guess what Mom had for me? A new harness!!!

She put it on and let me get used to it a little bit. Before I knew it, we were off!

1st stop: Rural King – Farm Supply Store

I went IN to the store!!! I sat in a CART! I browsed the aisles. I saw baby bunnies, ducks and chicks. I got a HUGE bag of treats that are for my training sessions.

I was so excited and everyone said “hi” to me. Of course I made sure to say “hi” back!wpid-photogrid_1430523785661.jpg

When we were done and back in the car, I THOUGHT we were on our way home. WRONG!

2nd stop: Petsmart – Where a dog can be a dog!

We didn’t go right to the toys this time. No. We walked in and immediately turned right into the grooming part. I’d been there before. The very first day I met my Mom and the very last day I lived on the street. She took me there to get cleaned up.

I was bamboozled! I got my nails cut! They didn’t even give me a spritz of smell good stuff OR a bandanna. I demand a refund!

LUCKILY, I got to walk around and explore before we left. Thank goodness I did because I got myself a new bed!


So we get into the car and we MUST be going home now, right? WRONG!

More driving….

I’m really getting tired ya know!


3rd stop: Vet’s office

Mom had to get my Trifexis. I’m late getting it and I got bit by a flea! Can you even believe it?! I’m all bumpy and red now.

15 minutes later. We were off again. Now, it’s time to go home….right? WRONG!

4th stop: Redbox – $1.60/night movie rental kiosks

Mom had to get the final Hobbit DVD that just came out

5th stop: Garage sale?

C’mon, Dad! Seriously?

FINALLY we got home after 87 hours. I was EXHAUSTED.


Good thing I took that nap because the craziness was just beginning.

Last weekend, when Mom and Dad took me to Petsmart to look at some of the rescue dogs, Dad fell in love with a pit puppy. Little did I know that Mom arranged for the rescue to bring 2 puppies by today.


This is Maddie – the dog Dad fell in love with. They only know that her mom is pure pit.


This is Liv, Maddie’s best friend. She’s pure pit.

Mom and Dad didn’t even tell me there were puppies here. I was inside the house and they were outside.

Finally, Dad let me out and I was saying hi to the nice ladies that own the rescue. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, I was attacked by a brown blur. WHAAAAAAAAT?!?!??

I finally got my bearings, growled and barked a little, when all of a sudden a gray blur came flying at my face. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT?!?!?!!?!?!?

At first, I was very indifferent. Eventually, I started to play a little bit.


2 hours later, everyone left, I ate dinner, and then I was done for.


Dad’s trying to convince Mom that we need BOTH Liv and Maddie. Mom isn’t sure we need either one so we certainly don’t need both. She thinks they’re very cute but all puppies are cute.

I know the truth though. Mom’s not ready.

I would be fine with another dog but I can’t say I hate all of the attention I’m getting with it being just me.

Whatever is meant to be will be.

I hope you all enjoyed reading about my day. I have to go now because I can’t even keep my eyes open.

Before I sign off, though, I leave you with this….


The mandatory adventure blooper picture 🙂

About noodle4president

I was a discarded, lost little stray without a house or a family...until my mom found me. Now, I am the happiest, most loved dog in the whole world!

24 responses »

  1. colinandray says:

    Hi Noodly Buddy! Sounds like you had a really fun but tiring day. My Mom and Dad took me to some trails in a conservation area and it was a lot of fun but, like you though, I was really tired at the end. I spent the evening just resting. Hopefully we do it again soon. Talk again soon. Woof! Ray.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. what fun with the pups, one day your mom will be ready.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Frankie and Ernie says:

    Noodle we are EXHAUSTED just THINKING and SEEING this big Day you had…
    We can not even BELIEVE that all those thingys were packed into ONE day….
    We think you need a DOUBLE Nap today…

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Now that’s what I call a FULL day Noodle! All those adventures in the car – then to come home and find puppies??? Well, know what? I think you and your Mom and Dad will know when the time is right to add to your family (or not). Right now I suspect you are enjoying that one on one time you’re getting…………and you deserve it considering how confusing it must have been for you with the losses in your family so JUST ENJOY!!!! We hope you can rest up quickly and be ready for more fun because we have a feeling there’s plenty more where today’s came from!

    Hugs, Sammy

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Princess Leah says:

    Wow, what an exciting day, I’m worn out just reading about it!!!
    And all the excitement of looking for new siblings.
    Gosh Noodles, you’ve got a very busy and enjoyable time ahead
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  6. HOLY COW PATTIES!!! I thinks I need a nap now just watchin’ all the funs you had! Gosh, all I gots yesterday was a couple of walkies….I demand a refund too!!! BOL
    Wows, those pups sure are adorables!!! I’m glads you told them who the boss is in your estate! I don’t thinks I would be able to choose between them!
    Okays, where is that new bed of yours?? I really needs a nap!
    Ruby ♥

    Liked by 1 person

  7. What a day, Noodle? I’d be having a ghissy fit by the end of the day….course UI’m not very good at riding in the car. I sing to wherever we’re going. Are these pit ladies going to stay with you forever? Wow…you are way easier to get along with than me. Happy day….you can relax.


    Liked by 1 person

  8. Oh, Noodle! Those were the best adventures ever! You are such a trooper through it all. I kind of agree that your mom may not be ready for more doggies, but when she is, she’ll know.

    Love and licks,

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Mrs P says:

    What a day, phew roll on bed time I shattered I’m I’m only reading about it Love N’ stuff Oscar x

    Liked by 1 person

  10. corkscot says:

    We have never had such a full day. No wonder that you are exhausted.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. what a wonderful day you had….I would like to ride in a shopping cart too…that would be pawsome! I agree with your daddy, Liv&Maddie…. but I understand your mom too… your heart has to say YES without any doubt… and I understand you… I’m the only-dog too:o)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Shopping carts are fun! I don’t think you’d fit in one my friend. You need an extra large cart. I’m sure the day will come when another dog worms its way into our lives.


  12. Exciting adventures, Noodle. When the right pup comes along, both you ad your mom will know it. When you keep your heart open, wonderful things (and pups) will fill it. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  13. Jan K says:

    What a day! Everyone is different….some people are ready for a new pup right away, others need more time to get ready. I always need more time than my hubby does, but eventually we figure it out and come to agreement.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Sorry I’m behind on your adventures, Noodle. I’m so glad that you and your mom had such an eventful day!!! You are just too cute for your own good – I hope you know that!!! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Choppy is regularly bamboozled into trips to Petsmart for nail clipping. She tries to use it as a chance to make me feel guilty and buy her extra treats. Hint: it always works!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Nylabluesmum says:

    Whew wee iss pooped aftur reedin ’bout yur adventuess Noodle!!!
    You an Lady Samantha sure covurred ALLOT of ground an got allot dun!
    As fur them puppiess they iss nice butt yur mee FAVE…can mee say that LadyMum?? Mew mew mew….
    Can mee tell you a seecret Noodle?? Ladymum was NOT ready fur mee when shee tooked mee on. Butt shee had fallen fur mee charmss so shee said shee wood fostur mee butt wee know that did not werk out. Mee was so high energee shee had trubble copin butt thee thott of sendin mee back to thee farm uppyset her so-o much! Shee went back n forth fur 2 monthss an had a few heart to heartss with Lady Sheila an LadyMum made a Pro an Con list….
    There were more Pro’ss fur keepin mee so LadyMum deecided to keep mee. Sum dayss mee pushess her to her limit an sum dayss shee iss so sad an mee just sitss with her.
    Wee are helpin each other to get over thee sadss an badss wee both have had an wee iss growin together efurry day!
    So that iss mee storey….howefurr mee can emagin yur Mumma may not bee ready fur not onlee 1 butt 2 doggiess…..an high energee pupss at that! If shee wantss shee can allwayss email mee LadyMum an they can ‘meow’ bout thiss…
    ***paw patss*** an *nose bumpss* Siddhartha Henry xxxxx


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