First, I would like to thank everyone for their kind words – words of support, love, understanding, and encouragement. I am sorry we have been unable to respond to each of you but things have been a mess.

We got into the vet early yesterday morning. After an ear cytology, blood work, and urinalysis, it was determined that Mya has a double ear infection and a UTI. The ear infections caused the head tilt and walking in circles, UTI caused the 105.3 fever, all things together caused the disorientation and falling. Vet said she is surprised to see that Mya’s organs are functioning so well at her age and that she is super healthy aside from the temporary infections and it is not her time to go.

Yep. I was ecstatic with that news. Then last night happened.

Let me start by saying Mya is still with us. Yesterday evening at 6:45, Mya hadn’t woken up for dinner. I went to her bed and woke her, noticed she was shaking, and took her sugar – 440 – very high but expected with the infections she has. I administered her evening insulin shot and decided to wait on dinner for a bit to give the insulin time to work. During the time we were waiting, Mya became unable to stand. By 7:15, she was unresponsive, although breathing and still shaking. She was completely limp and her breathing minimal and shallow. After waiting 20 minutes to see if there would be a change, I called my dad and told him he should come up to say his goodbyes. We decided not to go to the Emergency Vet as it didn’t appear she had very long and we wanted to let her go on her own, in her house, with people who love her holding her. Around 9:30, she moved her head. We thought it was an involuntary twitch but then she did it again. Before we knew it she was crying and trying to right herself – she had to go to the bathroom. I took her outside and had to hold her up but she peed and pooped. Still extremely weak and lethargic, we went back inside and she got a drink of water but was still unable to eat. Her sugar was now down to 140 and we gave her some watered down honey via syringe to keep her from crashing. Around midnight, she became weaker once more and started to slip away again. I just kept holding her and telling her how much she was loved. By some miracle, she made it through the night. She woke up this morning able to stand and walk, sugar level 180, and even ate her entire breakfast. A call to the vet still didn’t illicit the suggestion of euthanasia. Hopefully today’s round of antibiotics will give her body the push it needs to heal. She’s not out of the woods…not even close. Again, we are asking for prayers that she is comfortable. If that means saying goodbye, we’re ready. At the first indication of pain/discomfort, we will take her to the vet one final time. If she wants to fight, we’ll help her fight.

I don’t have the attention span to help Noodle blog but felt that since you have all been so kind to stop by and check in, the least we could do was provide you with an update. Please know how very important you all are to us. You are truly invaluable friends and we are so pleased that we have gotten to know you.

2 years ago

2 years ago

About noodlesmomsamantha

I am the proud Mom of Noodle the Schnoodle.

32 responses »

  1. Carol says:

    Thank you so much for the update. You all are in our thoughts. Please continue to keep us posted.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Princess Leah says:

    Mya sending you bucket loads of POTP sweetie, hang on in there!
    Lots of loves and hugs to your family
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  3. These precious dogs surprise us with their will to live. They give us great joy and rip us apart when it is their time to go. Prayers for strength and discernment for you and healing and peace for Mya.
    Lexi’s Mom

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Sending love, hugs, and HOPE…………..

    Sammy and Mom Pam

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Thank you for the update. That sounds scary, but it sounds like you are ready for whatever may come. We’ll be thinking of Mya and all of you.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. stella rose says:

    We have been gone and missed that things were going on. WE are so happy that Mya is doing better.
    stella rose

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Thank you for the update. We are keeping Mya and all of you in our prayers. Thank you for letting us see courage up close. Hang in there. xo

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Frankie and Ernie says:

    POTP coming fur MYA…. Bless her STRONG Heart… and bless YOU fur helping her….

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Sendin lotsa POTP.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Nylabluesmum says:

    Hello Samantha I am typing thru my tears…I don’t think I actually read the last part of the blog….too many tears to see thru’.
    You are a SAINT…someone beyond an Angel in my books!! I am praying for you to find continued strength to help sweet Mya & for Mya to make it thru the infections & get back to a stable state. Many people would have given up on her long ago but you have not & THAT LOVE is why she rallies….I watched Nylablue do that many many times. I KNOW you WILL KNOW when it is time to let Mya go to Summerland & all of us will be here to support you & comfort you.
    Please know you are not alone.
    Gentle {{{{hugs}}}} an lots of Love,
    P.S.: Siddhartha Henry sends hiss meee-oohhmmmssss an *purrss* to Mya allso….

    Liked by 1 person

  11. maabbott3 says:

    Keeping you in our prayers as you take care of Mya.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. raisingdaisy says:

    Oh my goodness poor you and poor Mya. We are doubling our prayers and Daisy wants Mya to know she sends strength and love to her.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Oh Mya!!!!!!!! What a strong, beautiful, girl you are?? Lots of POTP heading your way from down under. Love and hugs to you all, Charlie.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Fozziemum says:

    We send all or prayers purrs and woofs Mya’s way..we are rooting for her here..just take care of home and hearth and the bloggy world can wait….much loves Fozziemum xx

    Liked by 1 person

  15. cdog5 says:

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you and Mya. Here’s to hoping the antibiotics kick in and work. I know your vet gave you the diagnosis, but have you ever thought of canine geriatric vestibular syndrome? Our dog had it (twice, which is rare). It’s where a dog gets dizzy and lilts to one side, and often the eyes dart back and forth. The good thing is that it goes away after a few days or a week. Just wondering. My best wishes for you all. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Mrs P says:

    Sending you a huge bundle of love, kisses and hugs, best wishes for you all, from everyone at The Cottage On The Green xxxxxxx

    Liked by 1 person

  17. I cross my paws for you and I hope Mya can win that fight. I know you are there for your little girl and I’m there too with my heart and in my thoughts. Hugs to you…

    Liked by 1 person

  18. colinandray says:

    Hi “guys”: Ray and I are both with you all in our thoughts. Hang in there. You are doing everything you can and must leave the rest to Mya ………and God’s timing.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Oh my heavens! You’ve brought a tear to my heart; I can only hope my prayer in return makes a difference. Peace, love and healing energy coming your way with a sweet ‘digital’ ear rub for Ms. Mya. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  20. gahlearner says:

    Maia is crossing her paws, and I cross my fingers. I know how heart-breaking this is, let’s hope she gets better again.

    Liked by 1 person

  21. DZ Dogs says:

    Hang in their Mya! Our hearts are with you. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Sending positive thoughts and prayers for Mya. Stay strong sweetie.

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Oh noes! I heard abouts Mya on the POTP page, and I had to come overs and send all the POTP I can! I have all my paws crossed and I will send lots of healin’ vibes and AireZens!
    Ruby ♥

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Sending POTP and hugs.

    Liked by 1 person

  25. corkscot says:

    We are sending our thoughts and pryers for your whole family. Mya please get well soon.

    Liked by 1 person

  26. Chef Sasha says:

    My paws are crossed for Mya and sending my best love.

    Loveys Sasha

    Liked by 1 person

  27. We’re sending you our POTP, hugs, love and get well rayz for Mya!

    Lily Belle & Muffin

    Liked by 1 person

  28. oh boy I didn’t realize what has been going on and I am so sorry, I hope she turns around soon. Prayers and hugs.

    Liked by 1 person

  29. Sending lots of prayers and hugs for Mya. Get well soon.

    Liked by 1 person

  30. Sending lots of Healing Pawkisses to sweet Mya. Hope she feels better soon ❤ ❤ ❤


  31. gentlestitches says:

    Prayers and gentle wishes to you in this time of need. ❤


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