As most of you know, I passed Basic Obedience class by a hair! You would THINK that Mom would take that as a sign that she needed to work harder and more consistently with me in Intermediate. Has she? Noooooooooooooooo!

Yesterday was my worst day of school yet. I refused to listen to 90% of her commands. Not only that but because there’s minimal shade where we practice, Miss Terah put a misting system on the floor to keep the pavement cool. Well, you know what that means – wet, wet, wet. EVERYWHERE!

They actually expected me to SIT and LAY DOWN on that wet yuckiness. UGH!


Note how Mom kindly found me a dry spot.

I even gave Miss Terah a hard time today when Mom told her I wasn’t listening.


That’s me in the back wiggling on my back instead of laying in a perfect “down”. Miss Terah says it’s just my personality to lay on my back and to be silly. See how I made Mom go to one of the few dry spots again? See how I still needed Miss Terah’s intervention?? See the death stare Mom was giving me????

One thing I am mastering is “heel”. Mom can now drape my leash around her neck and I will walk right by her side even when she side-steps and turns.


Oh, if you’re wondering about that rake, it’s there on purpose. It’s a “distraction”. When Miss Terah first brought it out, we were put into a sit-stay and she was dragging it. I got up when she dragged it near me. I mean, do you see the size of that thing?! And the noise it made. OMD! Terrible.

Here’s a list of what I’m supposed to be able to do and whether I do it or not:

-Heel: √

-Automatic sit: This is when you’re in motion during heel and your Mom stops walking, you should sit automatically. I used to do this all the time. Now, I only sometimes do this.

-Right and left turn without guidance (without pulling leash): I’m still working on doing this without guidance but I did a lot better at it today.

-Right and Left 360 turn: With guidance, I’m okay. I still trip Mom up a little bit.

-Side-step to the right: √ I’m a side-stepping MASTER!

-Reverse heel: Ummm, we might be doing this but Mom says she doesn’t recall BOL!

-Down without help from front or side: I do good from side most of the time but I’m really bad from the front. Mom usually has to help (foot on leash) or threaten to help.

-Sit from down without help: Negative. I need help 99% of the time.

-Stand-Stay for 3 seconds at end of leash and go around: This is where I have to stay still and then when Mom comes back to me, she has to walk around (behind) me and then back to starting position. I’m usually good about this.

-1 minute Sit-Stay: This one really tests me but I can pull it off if I have to.

  • Also with go around: 95% of the time

-3 minute Down-Stay: This is the one that will flunk me. Mom’s lucky if I do 30 seconds.

  • Also with go around: Well, I’ve never made it past 30 seconds but when Mom’s practiced go arounds with the shorter down-stay, I’m pretty awful at it.

-Come: At training, I’m a pro. In real life, I still pretend I can’t hear Mom.

– Finish: This is for when I’m in front of Mom or anywhere not near her side (starting position). I have to either go around her from the right side and sit on her left side or go towards her left and spin in a circle until I’m facing forward and sit. I still need assistance on this one but I’m getting good at it.

Graduation is in 3 weeks. OMD! I have SO much work to do!!!


About noodle4president

I was a discarded, lost little stray without a house or a family...until my mom found me. Now, I am the happiest, most loved dog in the whole world!

61 responses »

  1. That is a hard school! So many things to learn and so fast. You have so great weather, here grass was frozen this morning.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You will make it, Noodle – we just know it! You are a smart pup – much smarter than Mackie!

    Love ya lots♥

    Liked by 1 person

  3. bro, you will pass, I’m sure, you are a trooper! and I understand that you refused to sit on the nekked ground. I HATE that too and refused to sit in the show ring… the mama brought me my doggy mat and then I parked my butt on that thingy….we won no ribbon nor a trophy but the puzzled face of the judge was like a prize too…even when it was priceless :o)

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Christmas says:

    Noodle, that just means your human isn’t trained enough.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Three Pups and a Couple of Kitties says:

    Hey Noodle,
    So like my sisters and I have been through lots of classes and every time we started the class that was the next step up it was like we were starting at the beginning again. So tell your Mom not to give up. As for the timeframe to learn it all, just do the best you can that’s all you can do. Oh and that down stay…yeah well Belle and I are 4 years old and have been working on that for a long time, when My Margret walks away… yeah so like we go right with her. I mean come on she’s leaving and might be going someplace fun. We don’t want to miss out on that!!!!! Oh and Belle said to tell you she totally understands not wanting to stand or lay down in the wet stuff. She said to give your mom a nose nudge and lick from her for finding a dry spot to practice. We know you’ll get it just keep trying ~Bonnie Pup

    Liked by 2 people

  6. colinandray says:

    Hi Noodle Schmoodle Streudal Buddy! That’s a mean training program. I am very good at lots of things as long as the treats are proportionate. Recall after seeing a squirrel = liver! I’ll take dry kibble for really basic stuff, especially if I’m hungry but, once it gets complicated, they better up the anti!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. bellfurzoo says:

    OMD I think I would has to study lots 😉 As fur the wet ground I am wif ya I do not like wet paws.

    Matt (& Matilda)

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Laura says:

    Aw Noodle you are doing great! Don’t worry too much if you pass first time around, we all progress at different rates and that’s just fine, the world would be boring if we were all the same and didn’t have different challenges to keep us on our toes 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  9. Sam here, Noodle. I know you’ll figure it out little buddy. Just remember consistent work is critical to success. Sometimes it’s hard to work a session in, but even just 10 minutes a day makes all the difference in the world. Good luck, fur-iend! 🐾

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Noodle's Grandma Judi says:

    Hi Noodle…..
    I know you’re a smart boy and want your mom to be proud of you. Also, it time to show your sisters what you can do to be leader of the pack. Try a little harder. Another thing, I’m sure Lexi (sweet sweet Lexi) told you in the past, you’re not the wicked witch of the west. You won’t melt if you get wet. I’m coming to see you in December and hoping you will have mastered most of this. Lots of love, ear scratches and kisses…Grandma

    Liked by 2 people

    • HI, GRANDMA!!! Grandma, I assure you that my sisters are not going to learn anything from me. They just don’t pay attention. GRANDMA! I will too melt!!! I’m made of sugar! Hmph…I only forgive you becaquse you gave me a great ear scratchy. *ear licks*


  11. Boy Noodle, I admire you! I failed basic obedience!! BOL!! Mom didn’t bring me back. I HATED it! Mom taught me a bunch of stuff at home and I did just fine! Barks and licks and love, Dakota DakotasDen

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Don’t worry – you’ll get there! You’ve already got more obedience than most dogs!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Three weeks is a long time, N. You and your mom can do this. Just keep practicing. I think you’re doing great, so far!

    Love and licks,

    Liked by 2 people

  14. Amy Sandy says:

    Noodle, honey, that’s a lot to learn all at once. Like babies, it is hard for dogs to learn more than one thing at a time. Now, you might learn one thing in a day, and be ready for something else the next day. But all this? Maybe I just have a misconception of your training program. I am very proud of you heeling and dong the side steps. Lexi only liked to go to her left. We said she was a “leftie.” So I modeled all her dancing for her to do it the way she liked and was comfortable with. Keep trying on the rest and you will get it. Rome wasn’t built in a day. ❤ Mrs. Lexi's Mom

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi, Mrs. Lexi’s Mom! That is what we need to know at the end of our 7 weeks. It’s everything we learned in basic but with a little more added and less reaction time expected. We learn 1 or 2 new things each week. If we had to learn all of that in 3 weeks, FORGET IT! My girl was a leftie?!?! *sniffle* I miss her. *ear licks*


  15. corkscot says:

    Your mom should have Sophie in the class. She would make everyone look like a pro. She failed her class by a whole head of hair. It was pathetic. Nothing has improve. Walking with Sidney has only made her worse.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Sounds like your mom is dragging you down! Didn’t you tell her you already know how to do all that stuffs? She just needs to communicate “when” BOL!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Piglove says:

    oh dude. I kind of agree on some of this. How can they expect you to ‘perform’ on wet ground? Maybe mom should bring you a towel next time, right? Hang in there – XOXO – Bacon

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Nylabluesmum says:

    Mee-yow WOW Noodle mee Moodle!! You have so-o much to leern inn just 3 weekss!! butt if any doggie can do it…it will bee mee BFF fur sure!!
    Now mee knows just how hard it is to bee a doggie!! Beein a kat iss way easier Noodle…
    An that ‘death stare’ of Aunty Samantha’ss was purrfect just like LadyMum’ss….mee finks they are trulee related!!!!
    ***Hi-5’sss*** an ~~ear licksss~~ yur BFF Siddhartha Henry Penry xxxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • I think you should learn all of this WITH me! How fun would that be?! Those eyes can get reaaaally scary. *shudders* Let me know how your training goes 🙂 *ear licks*

      Liked by 1 person

      • Nylabluesmum says:

        That wood bee a lot of funn Noodle mee Moodle…..mee could teech you how NOT to lissen!!! Mew mew mew…..
        An mee not like when LadyMum givess mee thee ‘death stare’…mee knowss mee iss inn BIG trubbull!!!
        Mee traini iss pawfull; mee nevurr lissenss 😉
        ***ear licksss*** yur BFF Siddhartha Henry Penry xxxxxx

        Liked by 1 person

  19. Sorry if I am asking a repeat question, but are hand signals being used? Might help noodle doodle focus more and help mom as well. Mom trains me with signals – Kylo-Ren

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Oh dude, you’ve been hangin’ around ME too much!!!! Did I tells you I got kicked outta obedience class???? Yuppers! ‘too disruptive’…hehehehe Ma had to shell out the big bucks for a private trainer, and she didn’t knows what to do with me eithers! BOL!!!! So….I am a rebel, and proud of it! What?? Oh. Ma says I should tells you such things, cause you are doin’ so well, and she is SURE you will do FABulously in your final!!! (if not, you and I can form a ‘drop out’ group! ☺)
    MACY!!!!! GURL!!! What up??!!!!
    Ruby ♥

    Liked by 1 person

    • OMD! BOL! You did tell me but the story never gets old. Hey, you know what kind of dog is in my class? A Wheaten Terrier! She has long bangs by her eyes and her mom puts them in a hair clip so she can see! BOL!
      *ear licks*

      Hiiiii, Ruuuuuuuuuuuuuby! I am SO hyper! Nobody wants to play with me. Everybody wants to sleep. So, I’ve been chasing my tail and barking at it. What are you doing? Kisses!


  21. You are doing grreat! I am sure you will make it through this. Already you know much more than I do!
    Louis Dog Armstrong

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  22. Holy CowKitty, that’s a lot to learn in only three weeks, Noodle, but I am sure you can do that, paw by paw 😀 Good Luck Pawkisses 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  23. speedyrabbit says:

    oh dear you and your mum need to study hard I think,xx Speedy

    Liked by 1 person

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