Hello, everybody!

I know I left you all hanging wanting to know if Jax n Daisy resolved my itchiness. So here I am to fill you in.

I left off by telling you that Mom bought me a chicken-based food because she realized my itchies got bad when I started the lamb-based food. All secondary ingredients were the same. Well, a week in and the itchies were just as bad so Mom assumed it was some of the secondary ingredients, like maybe the grains. She was doing some research on food allergies and she realized that my super itchy spots were indicative of food allergies (base of tail, feet, ears, eyes).

She started looking into Limited Ingredient Diets and found Natural Balance Potato and Duck formula. The ingredients are actually very simple:

Potatoes, Duck Meal, Duck, Canola Oil (preserved with natural mixed tocopherols), Potato Protein, Potato Fiber, Natural Flavor, Dicalcium Phosphate, Salt, Salmon Oil (a source of DHA), Calcium Carbonate, Flaxseed, Potassium Chloride, Choline Chloride, Taurine, Natural Mixed Tocopherols, L-Carnitine, Yucca Schidigera Extract, Vitamin E Supplement, Iron Proteinate, Zinc Proteinate, Copper Proteinate, Ferrous Sulfate, Zinc Sulfate, Copper Sulfate, Potassium Iodide, Thiamine Mononitrate (Vitamin B-1), Manganese Proteinate, Manganous Oxide, Ascorbic Acid, Vitamin A Supplement, Biotin, Niacin, Calcium Pantothenate, Manganese Sulfate, Sodium Selenite, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (Vitamin B-6), Vitamin B-12 Supplement, Riboflavin (Vitamin B-2), Vitamin D-3 Supplement, Folic Acid.

The ingredients not in bold are just the supplemental vitamins and minerals. Nothing extra!

I’ve been on this food for 2 days now with no transition period and already my itchies are getting better.

The only problems with this food are it’s a bit expensive and it’s 375 kcal/cup (my previous food was 247 kcal/cup). That means a little less food for an already starving Noodle 😥

I’m still relying on the Jax n Daisy to help me with my itchiness from seasonal allergies. Don’t think I’m done with them!

Now, I know you all are curious about the gunshots part of my post title. Well, as most of you know, we live in a fairly rural neighborhood. We have one neighbor who likes to target shoot every Sunday afternoon. This Sunday was no exception…EXCEPT instead of shooting for an hour, he shot for 3 1/2 hours! Poor Molly was losing her mind. Mom gave her 1/2 of a Trazodone to try to calm her down but she was still trembling. There were some fireworks on Sunday but nothing too crazy.

Come Monday, Molly was hung over from the Trazodone so Mom and Dad really didn’t want to give her anymore until necessary. Well, Mr. Shooty-Pants neighbor had a bunch of people over and shot for hours again which led right into fireworks. Molly got another 1/2 of a Trazodone and did a bit better, probably because she was loopy from the day before.

Some of you who have known me for awhile are probably wondering how I did since fireworks normally scare the daylight out of me. Well, guess what…this guy right here is all grown up. I wasn’t scared of nothin’!

Mom thinks it’s because Molly was scared enough for everyone. Guess no one will ever know the truth!

So there you have it. The major updates you all have been asking about 🙂

Tomorrow I’ll be posting about our visitors we had this weekend and obedience school.

Hope everyone had a nice holiday weekend.



About noodle4president

I was a discarded, lost little stray without a house or a family...until my mom found me. Now, I am the happiest, most loved dog in the whole world!

49 responses »

  1. Hi dear Noodle, your days are full of exciting events, good and bad. That shooting is terrible. My mom gets immediately crazy whe she hears shooting, she hates guns that kill animals. Is it allowed to shoot in target in a yard? It is so disturbing.
    The itchiness will now get better, when your detective mom finds the guilty.Poor Molly, is she getting better?
    I wish you all quiet days, no scratching, no fear, filled with love and happiness.
    a cat in faraway Finland.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Kosmo! Yes, there’s always a lot going on here. Where we live, shooting is allowed if you have the appropriate backstops and pits built. Molly is still having a bit of a hard time as the neighbors are still shooting fireworks that are left over from Monday. She’s on edge with us dogs, too. She’ll be better soon, I’m sure! *ear licks* Noodle

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  2. We’re glad you’re getting a break from the itchies. Joey dog seems to get itchy when he eats salmon. That’s terrible about the shooter guys making so much noise. Hopefully things will quiet down now.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hoping you solved the itchy problem For about 2 yrs the Vet thought that Cody (our cat) allergies were from food. Nope, for 2 years we fed him expensive food and he would STILL have the hot spots/itchies. It was finally determined they are seasonal allergies. This year is particularly bad for allergies in pets. Cody has a flare-up around 3-4 times a year, every time the seasons change. He is on Pred right now. DakotasDen

    Liked by 1 person

    • I have seasonal allergies and it appears I have a food allergy as well. Mom won’t let me have steroid shots anymore after finding out that they often lead to Cushing’s Disease later on. Paws crossed that Cody gets through this awful season!


  4. corkscot says:

    Are you using anything new on your grass? Sometimes that can cause problems with skin. We have had fireworks for three days and nights. We feel your pain.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Frankie and Ernie says:

    WE are very much happy to hear that the new foodables is HELPING the Itichies… THAT must be a BIG RELIEF fur you.

    Sorry about the Shooting and Banging.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. maggie0019 says:

    So glad you are feeling better. I’m on grain free too. Some neighbors are just rude and inconsiderate. We have a guy who rides his unmuffled motorcycle in his back yard – when he’s out, we can’t even have the windows open. I’m sorry for Molly; she must’ve been a wreck. Glad you weren’t though, Noodle. Woof!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. gahlearner says:

    A less expensive but more time consuming alternative is making the dog food yourself. I cooked for our Spot because he was allergic to preservatives and had seizures (not epilepsy). Worked like a charm. There are several books out there. I used, and still use sometimes this one: https://www.amazon.de/Pitcairns-Complete-Guide-Natural-Health/dp/157954973X
    I had to adapt some of the recipes because Spotty wasn’t such a good eater, but after a bit of trial and error it worked, and he lived a long and seizure-free life. I cooked the meat and veggies together like a thick stew and froze it in double-portions. One batch from my biggest pot lasted about three weeks. I would add that to cooked rice.
    I’m glad Maia has no allergies, I can feed her kibble.
    Maia tells you to hug Molly, she doesn’t like fireworks, or anything loud, either.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I thought about making his food but I figured I would give this a shot first. If this doesn’t work, I’ll have no choice. I’m so thankful that Macy and Molly are free to eat something as simple as Iams. Khia was on Science Diet Light, Mya was on Hills W/D Rx Diet, and my cat is on Hills I/D Rx Diet. It all gets too expensive! Poor Maia. Hugs to her too! ~Samantha

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  8. I’m glad the duck-food did the trick and I hope so much that it helps you to chase that allergies over all hills furever :o) Is that allowed on your side of the pond to shot in residential areas? wow! Here you would land in the doghouse immediately… it was not even allowed to fire one shotgun shell at the hornets nest… and the short bus of the police patrolled around our house like a herding dog, because they thought we will ignore the dictate….(they know us somehow)

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Too bad you have a target shooter right next door. We are in a semi-rural area – only once in a while do we hear someone target shooting and even at that, it’s far enough away we can barely hear them. I wish people would use target shooting facilities for that and not their yard – especially if there are neighbors close by. Accidents happen! Glad the itchies are getting better…….your Mom is trying to find just the right stuff to keep them away Noodle!

    Love, Sammy

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Cupcake says:

    I was brave in the fireworks, too, N. We both have tremendous courage in the face of loud noises. I am SO happy that the new foods are helping your itchies. Now you will feel more comfortable – even if a little hungry….

    Love and licks,

    Liked by 2 people

  11. I am glad to hear only one of you had a bad 4th! Next time, maybe it is all good for everyone!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Piglove says:

    aaww – hoping each day brings you more relief from your itchies my sweet friend. And guns and fireworks – shaking my piggy head. They got on *my* nerves this past weekend. Mom said that was all she needed – a 50 pound piggy grunting with disapproval and scared witless. It was awful – I hate loud noises. Hold me. XOXO – Bacon

    Liked by 1 person

    • OMD! I hate to say this but I didn’t even think about how Snooter Tooter felt being outside. Luckily, he’s on the far corner of the property from where the activity was. I’ll hold you!!! *ear licks* Noodle

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  13. stella rose says:

    We are so happy your itchies are better, I also would have been very upset and barked everytime that guy made that noise….I am afraid of loud noises. stella rose

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Hi Noodle Sweetie. Mom was being stingy with her laptop while we were away, so I just saw this. Maybe your Mom could add some veggies to your food – green beans, etc – to help fill your poor tummy and stretch the new food?

    I have never been afraid of loud noises, but used to shake myself apart when Mom took me to our previous vet. One day I was sitting there shaking like usual when another dog came i, sat across from me, and I saw he was shaking harder than me. It fascinated me so much that I forgot to shake. Maybe that’s what happened: you saw Molly so terrified that you forgot to be afraid! You are a good brother, Noods.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Three Pups and a Couple of Kitties says:

    Hi Noodle,
    I’m glad your itchies are better. I hope Molly feels better. Like I wish we could make all the loud noises go away. We live in a rural area and do not like hunting season, target practice, thunder or fireworks. *Sigh* ~ nose nudges Bonnie for the rest of the crew.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Bonnie! We’re all much happier now that everyone seems to have run out of fireworks. We’ll see tonight as it’s the weekend. Tell everyone I said hi, especially Mrs. Margret! *ear licks* Noodle


  16. Allison Gray says:

    What a ruff time for you and Molly! Sounds like your mum has an inconsiderate neighbor. I hope he calms down his trigger happiness for Molly’s sake and enjoy your new nosh!

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Nylabluesmum says:

    Hurrah fur thee Duck an Tato food werkin fur yur itchiess Noodle mee Moodle!!! How will you sirvive with less food tho’????
    An as fur Mistur ‘Shooty pantss’; too bad you can not go pee on his gunss an brake them!!! PHOOEY!!
    Poor Macy beein so caredykat shee needed medss….sum people are just stew-pid an meen… *sighsss*
    Sendin POTP to Macy an ***paw patsss*** to all of youss’ there….
    Siddhartha Henry Penry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Siddhartha! Mom said I shouldn’t be too hungry because this food has better quality ingredients so it should help me stay fuller even with less of it. Pee on his guns?! Why didn’t I think of that! I gotta protect my sister. I don’t like seeing her scared. It was Molly not Macy. Macy’s too dumb-dumb to be scared of anything….seriously. BOL! Hope you and LadyMum are well. *ear licks* Noodle your Moodle

      Liked by 1 person

      • Nylabluesmum says:

        Good greef mee meent Molly butt mee gotted mixed uppy! Mee Birthday had mee spinnin, mew mew mew….
        An peein on that purrson’ss gunss should sort fingss out purrfectlee! 😉
        So far fingss are quiet here. Mee not eager to bee outside tho’. LadyMum iss NOT happy about that, mee can tell you.
        **ear licksss** Siddhartha Henry Penry xxxxxx

        Liked by 1 person

      • Even Mom and Dad get their names confused so I could never hold it against you if you do it. If that bad man comes near you guys, you scratch his eyes out, ok? *ear licks*

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  18. Glad you’re feeling better with the new food but sorry you have inconsiderate neighbors (for the record, they’re EVERYWHERE) 😦 . We are still having fireworks every night and the dogs are going crazy all over the neighborhood. I can’t imagine how any Iraq or Afghanistan veterans feel when those super loud boomers go off. We feel for them.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. It’s hard on all of us. 😢


  20. Nylabluesmum says:

    Mee wantss to do that butt LadyMum says hee could hert mee befur mee got to him…an mee finkss shee iss rite!! So mee just goin run an hide inn Condo when mee seess him Noodle mee Moodle.
    Now mee iss afraid of mee own shadow an spooked fur no apparent reason!!! Happened last nite an mee could not stop shakin. An ‘bad man’ was nowhere to bee seen 😦 PHOOEY!!!
    **ear licksss** yur BFF Siddhartha Henry Penry xxxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • OMD! Why are you so scared my little friend? Maybe a snakey came to visit you and LadyMum didn’t know???

      Liked by 1 person

      • Nylabluesmum says:

        Thee onlee snakey here iss a Hu’man what creepss around an watchess us.
        mee was OK till all this nastiness started an ‘bad man’ yelled at LadyMum. Shee was holdin mee inn her arms an mee did not want to uppyset her so mee stayed put an purrtected her. Butt hee scared mee outta mee fur mee can tell you!
        Mee iss goin out inn Condo 2-3 timess a day an LadyMum comess with mee….
        Sum Summer this has been so far…. 😦

        Liked by 1 person

      • Ohhhh I didn’t realize you were in her arms when the bad man was bothering her. You’re a good protector, Siddhartha Henry Penry! *ear licks* and *paw pats* Noodle your Moodle

        Liked by 1 person

      • Nylabluesmum says:

        Yess Noodle mee Moodle wee were goin ‘walkiess’ an ‘bad man’ came out on his balconee an started screamin like a banshee an LadyMum scooped mee uppy inn her armss. Wee did not move; it was like wee were ‘stuck’; then LadyMum tooked mee inn side (wee had Lady Marilyn an Missy doggie with us!)
        Thee second time (2 dayss later) wee were walkin on Aunty Reeni’ss patio an ‘bad man’ came out on thee blaconee again *sighss* …LadyMum scooped mee uppy again an wee all just lissened to him swearin an threatenin us. When LadyMum had enuff shee told Aunty “Bye fur now’ an wee came back inn an called thee Poe-lice!
        Mee iss supposed to bee a peece luvvin Buudhist mankat butt mee wantss to scratch an bite ‘bad man’ so-o much!!! Hee makess mee furry angree Noodle!!!!! RRRAAWWRRRRR!!! 😉

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      • I will come help you. I will even leave pee-mail on his shoe.

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      • Nylabluesmum says:

        That wood bee pawsum Noodle mee Moodle!!!!! 😉

        Liked by 1 person

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