Ahhhh….so relaxing.

Seriously. This weekend has been so nice. Everyone’s behaving and getting along.

I think it’s because the big guy above feels bad knowing that Macy’s birthday (tomorrow) is the same day as a full moon. He’s cutting Mom and Dad a break.

The weather has been beautiful the last 3 days. Mid 70s to 80s during the day and 40s to 50s at night. We’ve been spending a lot of time outside. As matter-of-fact, the only grief being caused by Macy around here is from her not wanting to come inside when the rest of us do.

Since she just wanted to keep laying in the sun, Mom made her wear her sunny-glasses:

My sister is silly.

I did a lot of backyard exploring today.


The remains of Macy’s stick. Too slobbery…


Mmmm! Bird seed that got knocked out of the feeder by Mrs. Squirrel. Maybe she’s not so bad after all!


Hey! Stop spying on me, Mrs. Cardinal! 


I’ll pee right here so the birds and squirrels no who’s boss!


What’s that noise???


What’s THAT noise?


We hear it too!

It was just the neighbor building stuff.

Hope everyone had a great weekend! I know we did 🙂

About noodle4president

I was a discarded, lost little stray without a house or a family...until my mom found me. Now, I am the happiest, most loved dog in the whole world!

35 responses »

  1. those glasses are just too funny!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Noodle honey. Glad to hear you had a chillin out type of weekend. Mine was busy but good. Hey, Macy looks great in those cool shades. Are they made for dogs, Mom wants to know…oh, no! Don’t answer that. So, did you ever find out what the noise was? An icey creamy coney truck, maybe? Mmmm, ice cream…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, those sunglasses…I mean…NO! No they are NOT made for dogs. Mom was simply torturing Macy, Mrs. Lexi’s Mom! No icey creamy coney trucks around here but you know what Mom did? She went out and got her and Dad some Italian ices today because it was so hot…AND none for us 😦

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Three Pups and a Couple of Kitties says:

    Yea for relaxing weekends!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I like days like that too: just hang around in my yard and say hi to the birdies and rummage through the underbrush. It’s still kind of cold here, though.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Yay for a peaceful weekend! That’s the best! Macy’s sunglasses are just right for her. So cute!

    Love and licks,

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Me says:

    I’m in love with you AND Macy! Oh and Molly snuck into a photo at the end, she’s beautiful too of course 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. nordhuesn says:

    We had a fairly warm weekend as well. I (Duffy) sat on my perch on the wall overlooking the neighborhood and Andy just did his usual sniffing around the yard. It will be cold again this week, so it was good to be outside for a bit. Mom even took us on walkies both days. We love Macy’s sunglasses. The picture of her and Molly laying together in the sun is so peaceful. Hope you had fun exploring. Happy weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

    • A perch on the wall, overlooking the neighborhood??? That sounds way awesome! I need one of those! Aside from Thursday and Friday when it’ll be 60s during the day and 40s at night, I think our winter here in central FL is over 🙂 They do look peaceful, don’t they? It’s strange because that’s how they always are together and just out of nowhere, Molly is a grump. *sigh*

      Liked by 1 person

  8. corkscot says:

    We are happy that you had a good weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Princess Leah says:

    Hehe, those glasses on Macy did make me laffs!
    Looking good there Noodle, I luffs the way neighbours managed to get ALL you attentions!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Love those sun glasses and with her fair skin and light eyes, I’m sure she appreciates the glasses! It’s nice to have fresh air – I have little bits of it from time to time on the front porch but it’s just so darn cold most of the time I want to be IN!

    Hugs, Sam

    Liked by 1 person

  11. fredrieka says:

    We finally had sunshine Noodly Doodly what great fun. Isn’t it nice to be outside and playing without being cold?

    Liked by 1 person

  12. berds seed is great…. you can make noises with your butt like a machine gun with that :o) We have 50 shades of grey on the sky, but I woild like to wear such sunnies like your sis :o)

    Liked by 1 person

  13. maggie0019 says:

    so cute! superstar glasses! paws still crossed for Molly situation. Woof!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. So happy to see everyone enjoying themselves. Love Macy’s ‘doggles.’ That girl just cracks me up, Noodle. You sure have a funny, sweet sister. ღ

    Liked by 1 person

  15. DZ Dogs says:

    I love those glasses!!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Nylabluesmum says:

    What a luvley Sunday you all had an all calm an getting along!!!! This brott tearss to LadyMum’ss eyess! An LadyMum said to mee “Maybee Molly can stay with Noodle an Macy….” An shee said shee will pray fur this! An funny fing here all so Noodle mee Moodle: Mee has been calm an good as gold an not climmin thee walls or getting inn trubble or beein inn ‘time-out’ in bathroom! Thee Full Moon did not bother mee at all!!! Woo Hoo!!!!!!!
    Molly an mee iss makin progress 😉
    ***paw patsss*** an **ear licks** Siddhartha Henry xxxxxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • We always hope she can stay but if a good adopter comes along, we will let her go where she can get all the one-on-one attention she wants. Thank you for the prayers 🙂

      I am soooooo proud of you, my friend! You’re doing such a good job.

      The full moon didn’t bother Macy either! Thank goodness 🙂

      *ear licks* and *head rubs*
      Noodle your Moodle

      Liked by 1 person

  17. Nylabluesmum says:

    This makes toe-l sense Noodle mee Moodle…about Molly. Wee know yur Pawentss are doin their bestest fur her an thee rite home will come soon. An mee keep sendin mee purrayerss to BuudhaKat to keep Molly calm!!!!
    Woo Hoo mee an Macy are calmin down all so 😉
    Maybee wee iss both growin up a bit!
    ***paw patss*** am ~~~ear licks~~~ Siddhartha Henry Penry~~~ xxxx

    Liked by 1 person

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