
Don’t let the title fool you. I didn’t go anywhere for Thanksgiving. I just wasn’t HERE in Blogville.

I have been having so much fun. Know why?

My Grandma was here!!! She came just to see me!

Macy and Molly were super excited to meet her. They kept trying to steal her from me!


Macy was being the ULTIMATE Grandma-hog, though. She was all over her, all the time!

Anywhom, we did so much stuff.

Like, one morning, Grandma left the bathroom open and Macy was so excited that she decided to make confetti out of tissues from the trash can.

Then, another time, Macy and I were at war and I accidentally bit Mom’s leg right behind her knee.


Yeah, that was NOT a good time.

Anywho, on Thanksgiving morning, we all woke up and Mom took our morning face pictures.




Then, a little while later while she was cooking, she caught all three of us playing together.


Then, she snuck a video!

She caught it on camera! I can’t believe it.


Moving right along. Every year, Mom watches the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. When it’s over, the dog show is on. I was SO excited when I saw it was on that I ran to the TV and jumped up to see who was in it.


I enjoyed watching it.

At one point in the morning, Macy got herself in trouble and was locked up. Go figure, right? So, Molly and I finally got some alone time and we played together. It was so much fun!

Thanksgiving was VERY busy. Lots of company and I was the only pup allowed out. We had 3 kids over and Macy is too crazy and Molly is still getting used to her new surroundings. So Mom locked the girls up and I got to stay out until it was time to eat.

After everyone left, we were all so very tired.



Just look at Macy!img_20151126_183812.jpg

Even Paco Bird was tired.


Oh, I almost forgot to tell you what Macy the dumb dumb did on the night of Thanksgiving. She was staring at her reflection in the window and barked at herself. BOL!


The next day, “Black Friday” Mom and Grandma went out IN THE AFTERNOON to buy a couple dog toys that were on sale. Macy and Molly destroyed them right away and then they napped. So annoying!


Macy is such a copy cat. She does everything that Molly does.

I, on the other hand, am not a follower. I am a leader. I snuck into Mom and Dad’s room and slept in the big bed by myself.


On Saturday, we did a lot of relaxing because Mom was still exhausted from Thursday.


Then on Sunday, Grandma had to leave. We were all very sad.

Mom spent the later part of the day putting Christmas decorations up. I hope Macy doesn’t eat them before I can show you how it all looks! Mom caught her chewing on the tree (artificial) once already. Her AND Molly kept stealing the Christmas stuffies that Mom usually puts under the tree. Obviously, Mom wasn’t planning on putting them down there this year, so she set them aside. Every time she looked up, one was missing.

Yeah, Molly’s starting to get REALLY comfy here. She’s been acting out quite a bit. Mom even had to yell at her a couple times which broke Mom’s heart. BUT Mom said us pups need structure and discipline or else we’ll go crazy and so will she.

Speaking of Molly, she’s currently at the vet getting her teeth taken care of. I’ll come back later to let you know how it went!

Happy Monday!


Pretty Molly

About noodle4president

I was a discarded, lost little stray without a house or a family...until my mom found me. Now, I am the happiest, most loved dog in the whole world!

27 responses »

  1. Princess Leah says:

    Pawsome, looks like you had a GREAT Thanksgiving weekend, just as it should be. Great to see you haffing funs playing togethers….go on admit Noodles….you enjoyed it really didn’t you?
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. you have the most interesting time when it comes to a howl-i-day… ours are always boring or full of mischief… sigh… have you seen the whole show? who won?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. fredrieka says:

    I can smell that food all the way over here, did you drool? Did they share? oh my yum and had a great mischief fun

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Mrs P says:

    I love your helicopter tail when you play with Molly 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. corkscot says:

    You had an exciting week. I love when my grand dog Rocky comes to visit.


  6. Frankie and Ernie says:

    NOODLE that furst Pic… of your TURKEY… is just to BEG fur…
    WOW…. that was an EXCITING Thanksgiving… even with the GrandmaHog and stuffs.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. DZ Dogs says:

    What an adorable little fuzzy family you guys have!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Looks like a fun weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Deziz World says:

    Glad y’all had a good Thanksgivin’. Ifin there’s any of dat turkey left weez on our way. MOL Sendin’ purrayers.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hope you girls had a nice Thanksgiving, as well! *ear licks*

      Liked by 1 person

      • Deziz World says:

        Fanks Noodle. Sis Lexi and me each got a piece of bacon one of da neighors had given to mommy dat she saved fur us. And we were boff nice enuff to give her a bite too so we all had sumfin’ special. It sure was yummy.

        Luv ya’

        Dezi and Lexi

        Liked by 1 person

      • Did your Mom spend Thanksgiving with them?

        Liked by 1 person

      • Deziz World says:

        Wiff who? Dusn’t matter, we always spend our holidays doin’ da same fing Noodle. It’s just mommy and us and we cuddle and watch teevee and play and ifin sumpawdy gives us sumfin’ like da bacon, we have a special. Mommy used to buy sissy and me a special can of noms but now dat da food we eat is basically raw and very spensive, she sez there’s no monney or need fur special cans. We get da good stuffs all da time. MOL We each gave mommy a bite of our bacon and then tookk a nap. 🙂

        Luv ya’

        Dezi and Lexi


      • Ohhh I thought she spent Thanksgiving with the people who gave you the bacon. I wish you were closer to us. You could spend Thanksgiving with us. Being positive, though, at least you have each other. That’s what counts, right? *ear licks*

        Liked by 1 person

      • Deziz World says:

        Oh, no it’s just a neighbor man. Hims sumtimes gives mommy taters dat hims gunna fwo out cuz of too many eyes or sumfin’. He saw mommy one time diggin’ sum taters outt da twash dat sumpawdy fwu away, so now he offers ’em to mommy afur he throws them out. Hims sed da bacon was spired, but mommy washed it up good and put it in da freezer and then cooked it up real good and it was pawsum. And yes, weez very blest to have each other and a roof over our heads and warmff in da winter and air conditionin’ in da summer. And mommy gives us da bestest foods she can. Wiff boff of us needin’ special noms it does get spensive. But mommy sez our health be da mostest purrtant fing of all. 🙂 Weez glad y’all had a gweat Thanksgivin’. Have a pawsum week.

        Luv ya’

        Dezi and Lexi

        Liked by 1 person

  10. What a fun Thanksgiving. Three doggies all at different training stages sure does keep things lively….

    Love and licks,

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Nylabluesmum says:

    Mee-you Noodle mee Moodle you all sure had a busy Fanksgivin!!! No wunder you had such B-I-G yawns…..mee was tired aftur watchin thee videoss…..mew mew mew……
    Wishin all of youss’ thee best an good luck with Macy not demo’inn thee Katmass Tree!
    **nose bumpsss** Siddhartha Henry Penry xxxx

    Liked by 1 person

  12. […] had your first experience with fireworks on 4th of July, dressed up for your first Halloween, had Thanksgiving, enjoyed Christmas, and celebrated your first New Year’s Eve. Finally, you ended your first […]


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