So much to say and I just don’t even know where to begin!

Ok, I’ll do my best to stay on track and tell it all in order.

Thursday afternoon, Dad and I went outside to pick homegrown Gladiolus for Mom:


She loved em and we both got lots of kisses 🙂

Friday, Dad had to go help someone with something so Mom and I spent the day together. We lounged, we laid in the sun, and we napped! Then, when Dad got home, I napped with him too:


All mediocre stuff compared to what happened next.

Picture it…Saturday….flea market day. Mom leaves me behind, comes home with a friend of hers, and a couple hours later, Dad comes home….WITH A COYOTE PUP! Yes…you read that right.


This poor little girl’s mama got hit by a car. So she and her 3 litter mates were all by themselves wandering into the flea market while people were there. So Friday evening, they set live-traps. She was the only one caught by Saturday morning. Can you believe that they were going to drown her?!?!? Clearly, Dad HAD to save her.

Mom went right to work calling all the rehabbers in town to find one who would take a coyote. See, in Florida, coyotes are considered non-native, invasive species. Because of that, rehabbers cannot release the coyote back into the wild if they take it. So by taking it, they are committing to it for the coyote’s lifetime.

After many hours and many calls, Mom finally got a positive response. A wonderful woman would be over first thing in the morning to pick the little girl up.

Ohhhh! Wait, wait, wait, wait, WAIT!

I forgot. Dad ALSO brought home this:



As if the coyote wasn’t bad enough, now there are deer heads floating around!

Never one to pass up an opportunity to scare me out of my skin, Dad scarred me for life:

Notice how ferocious I was….kind of…sort of…okay, not really. Tell me you’d do better with a floating deer head with a skin flap hanging off the top of its head!

Anywho, later that evening, Mom was talking to Dad about Khia and she looked up to see a cloud that looked just like Khia from the side:


Do you see it? The big cloud in the back. Nose pointed in the air. Maybe you don’t but Mom and Dad did. It made Mom happy-sad.

Ok. Saturday: Check!

Sunday: today. Dad went back to the flea market and guess what – they caught little girl’s brother! Dad brought him home so he could go to the rescue too:


Both pups have mange and were going to be treated right away. Let’s keep our paws crossed for them, ok?

So, while the rehabbers were here, Mom and Dad got to see something AMAZING – a little, teeny, tiny fawn:


Did you know fawns make noises that sound kind of like a baby goat?!?!?!?! Mom fell in love. I have to admit, it’s pretty cute. I find it VERY hard to believe that that cute thing is the same animal as that big scary thing that about gave me a heart attack!

Also while they were here, this HUMONGOUS swallowtail was flying around:


So there it is, the zoo outside my house!

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!



About noodle4president

I was a discarded, lost little stray without a house or a family...until my mom found me. Now, I am the happiest, most loved dog in the whole world!

28 responses »

  1. Crikey ….. what a time you’ve been having. That’s a zoo alright!! Those coyote blokes look so sweet. I’m glad they are going to be ok. Did they ever find the others?? I hope they are ok. they must be so scared without their Mommy.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Holy Cow Patties Noodle!! Never a dull moment at your estate!!! Tell your peeps they ROCK for doin’ all that work to find a place for those pups! I can’t even imagine that they would drown those poor pups!! There’s a special place in heaven for them, you know! ☺
    Okays, now, I thinks you were very VERY brave against that creepy deer!!! I would have barked my arse off at it, then bit it’s antlers…I hear they’re yummy! ☺
    Ruby ♥

    Liked by 1 person

    • Here I thought everything was so boring lately. Then in a split second things go haywire! That’ll show me to complain! Mom and Dad said thank you for your kind words about them.

      I wasn’t allowed to taste the antlers. Dad got that mount from someone who wanted the antlers removed from it. Lame…

      Happy Monday!


  3. Princess Leah says:

    Wow, you’re own zoo!!! Cool!!!
    I luffs that you get visits from swallow tails…I haf to grow my own to get them here
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • PL, it’s cool but it’s also VERY scary at times. I mean, did you see that deer try to kill me????
      You grow your own butterflies?!?! COOL! Do they grown on a vine or a tree?
      Love and *ear licks*


  4. colinandray says:

    Wow Noodle Buddy………… those coyote guys look very cute and have nice big ears but you gotta watch them. I believe that they can gang up on us dogs with rather nasty results. Make sure those other guys there stay alert, like that turtle guy with teeth. He’d be a good friend to have right now …….. and even Jamiesons cat temperament might be useful to have around (I don’t believe I just said that!). Woof! Ray.

    Liked by 1 person

    • BOL! It’s okay Ray. Those little pups were so scared and timid. Dad was able to pet them on the head and everything. They are gone now. They went off to live their lives out at a rescue about an hour away. Mom and Dad are going to go visit them this weekend or maybe next weekend.
      P.S. I think Jamison would actually be scared of those things. They do more damage to cats than to dogs I think.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I feel so sorry for the little coyote girl and her bro… please give your daddy a giant hug that he was there to saveTWO lifes. he sadly came too late for the deer, but at least he got the head :o) I will cross my paws for the coyotes and for the little fawn. My momma raised a fawn once, his name was Peter. She sadly couldn’t keep it, because Peter became dangerous as an adult….and because he lost his natural fear from humans we couldn’t bring him back to the forest. After some months we found a wildlife park who could take him… the only bad thing was, this park was ~ 900 miles away so we couldn’t visit Peter (mom’s grampy transported Peter with a horse trailer, while her uncle had to sit in the trailer too to take care of Peter)

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Cupcake says:

    What an exciting post, N. The coyotes look scared and sad. I think their new home will solve all that. Plus was one of them eating a bowl of YOUR kibble?? Best they move on. I think you showed great courage with the reanimated head. Running backwards is a useful skill. Tell Mom I see Khia plain as day. I’m happy she looked in to say hi.

    Love and licks,

    Liked by 1 person

    • They looked pitiful! They are NOT eating MY food. Would you believe coyotes eat cat food? Seems they are more closely related to cats than dogs. Who knew? Thank you for noticing my great courage! Mom didn’t believe that going backwards was a skill but you and I know it absolutely is! I am glad you could see Khia as well 🙂 *ear licks* Noodle


  7. Genis LeyNel says:

    That butterfly is HUGE and very beautiful. You met quite a few new friends there.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Frankie and Ernie says:

    Noodle this is a most AMAZING and Exciting post… We hope that the little coyotes and the fawn are all safe and stuffs…. it was SUPER of your dad to jump in and help and Fabulous of your mom to find a GOOD place fur THEM to live out their lives…
    We LOVE this POST…. except fur the Scary Deer Head thingy…. We have them in our house… and sometimes mom or dad hold us up so we can sniff them.. butt we pawfer to just have their ANTLERS to Gnaw and their Meat to eat… When Ol’ Sure Shot gets LUCKY… Just sayin.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi guys! i am very glad you enjoyed my post. We have a taxidermied crow inside the house and sometimes I growl at him. Dad used to hunt before he met Mom but not anymore. Back then, it was his sole source of food. Now that he lives close to the grocery store, he doesn’t hunt anymore.


  9. Goodness, Noodle, dear, I had a rather dull weekend compared to you! I am now going to practice my counting skills by numbering my comments.
    1. Pretty flowers. Do they smell good, too?
    2. Pretty china for the coyote girl. They must be really itchy with that mange. Mommy hates coyotes – they killed a schnauzer around here a few years back. And a goat. And cats. Then practically totaled Dad’s car when he hit one after dark on an exit ramp.
    3. You can’t fool me. My courageous boyfriend wasn’t really afraid of that deer head. You were just playing with your Dad. Your backing up skills are highly prized in Freestyle doggie dancing.
    4. Yes, I see Khia in the cloud too. It was like a gift to all of you.

    Woofs and licks. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Remind me to never complain again about how bored I am! Your counting skills are perfect!
      1) They smell REALLY strong.
      2) Because she was caught at the flea market, one of the antique vendors gave her that bowl because it was chipped. It was very hard decision saving the coyote because of the damage they do around here as well. BUT a life is a life and the people were literally going to kill them by drowning them in water. Awful!
      3) *blush*
      4) I’m glad you see her too 🙂
      *Ear licks*

      Liked by 1 person

  10. corkscot says:

    In our part of Florida, there have been many problems with coyotes. The have been killing cats and dogs. Their fate has not been positive.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. maggie0019 says:

    Oh, Noodle! What an exciting weekend with your humans and…wild animals. (btw I saw the cloud right away). Sending you a tail wag! Love, Maggie

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Wow!! What an amazing weekend you had! Your mom and dad are so wonderful for helping those coyote pups out. That was so nice of them to find someone who would care for them. Your adventures just keep getting bigger and better, Noodle!! I’m sure Khia would be proud!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Mom and Dad said thank you. Khia wouldn’t have been scared of that deer head. AND she would’ve wanted to be the coyotes mama. She never had puppies of her own but she loved tiny animals. I don’t know if I can handle bigger adventures than that one. They’re getting scarier and more exhausting lol

      Liked by 1 person

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