Mom is SO mad at me right now. Tonight I started growling ferociously while I was eating my dinner. She went to take it away from me and I grabbed at it while she was picking it up causing food to spill everywhere. She didn’t give me my food back until I sat and calmed down. Then she put it down and still made me sit for a few seconds before I was allowed to eat again! There were too many people and animals near me and I don’t like all that commotion while I’m eating. Mom said she was very disappointed in me. That’s the worst…

After taking care of me, she went outside to check on the chickens, ducks, and rabbits. It’s been in the upper 40s all day and it’s expected to be in the low 20s tonight. For most of you, that’s practically summer weather right about now but for us Floridians, it’s arctic. Anywho, Mom noticed that Bare-Butt, our Rhode Island Red, wasn’t looking really good. She was all puffed up and her comb was more of a purple color than red. Mom went into the chicken pen, picked her up, and noticed that she has lost some weight and her crop wasn’t very full. So, Mom put her in the doorway of the heated coop. Bare-Butt didn’t move an inch. Mom went back into the chicken pen and realized that Bare-Butt sounded a bit congested. She might have some type of respiratory issue going on. Mom and Dad decided she needed to be brought into our house with the heat on for the night. Well, I used this opportunity to display my not-so-cute-and-perfect side again. I growled at Bare-Butt and scared her. Again, Mom told me that I was bad and she was very upset with me.

I heard Mom telling Dad that when they take Khia and me to the vet tomorrow for our shots that she’s going to talk to the doctor about my change in behavior.

Luckily, I have tomorrow evening to look forward to. I will be having my first ever Skype and it’s going to be with my Lexi. It’s been almost a week since our Valentine’s Day date and I just want to see her again already. I really like her. Did you all know that she’s an acclaimed actress? Yep! She’s the bees knees 😀 ❤

Well, I’m off to go try to make amends with Mom. Wish me luck!

About noodle4president

I was a discarded, lost little stray without a house or a family...until my mom found me. Now, I am the happiest, most loved dog in the whole world!

34 responses »

  1. fozziemum says:

    Oh my Noodle…maybe you are not feeling well..grumbling over your food is a worry I am sure though that the vet will get to the bottom of this though..sometimes when we feel a bit icky we get crabby…and we may look well but we can hide it really well if we feel icky..hope mum and the vet work it out…and hope your poor chookie feels better..i miss having chickens..but too dangerous here for them 😦 hugs Fozziemum xx

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Carol says:

    Have fun Skyping tomorrow, Noodle! And good luck at the vet. Please keep us posted!


  3. Crikey Noodle …… did she REALLY say she was disappointed in you????? Bet that made you feel BAD!! Best of luck with the making amends. You’re sure going to need all the luck you can get, aye??

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Uh, Noodle honey, I am sorry things haven’t gone so well today, but, uh, I am not so sure about tomorrow night. I uh, have to wash my hair tomorrow.


  5. raisingdaisy says:

    Uh oh Noodle, talking to the vet? That’s scary! Maybe you can find a way to like Bare Butt being in the house with you, then your mom will be happy with you again. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I hope nothing is wrong with you or the chicken good luck at the vet.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Hi Noodle – I’m happy that you and Lexi are hitting it off ❤ I understand how aggravating it can be to have too much commotion around dinner time. I get grumpy too when any animals come too close to my dish. I hope you can help your mom to understand what it's like for you. ~ BH

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Good luck wif da amends-makin.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Princess Leah says:

    Try snuggling the Mommy, that works for me!
    Hope all goes well at the Vetmans, just don’t growl at them when they offer you a treat!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Gosh…..sounds like a stressful day! I don’t like anyone around me when I’m eating and HATE a lot of noise any time but especially then. Hope that the trip to the Vet goes well…..I think you’re just going through a grumpy patch. Hey – we all do that (humans do it all the time!!!!).

    Hugs, sammy

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Frankie and Ernie says:

    OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooo she pulled the “I’m DISAPPOINTED in you” Card. THAT is worse than almost anythingy…
    We hope you enjoy your SKYPE time with the Lovely Lexi.
    POTP fur Bare Butt…

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I cross my paws for your Bare-Butt, hope she feels better soon. Good luck for the vet-appointment, hope you will get goo news :o) And I’m glad you will meet your Lexi in the furs via skype, how great is that?

    Liked by 1 person

  13. gahlearner says:

    Oh dear. Maia sends love, she’s had some issues with her mum, too. She says mum was disappointed, said there’s work to do, but forgave her.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. corkscot says:

    How your chicken is feeling better .Good luck at the vet. This cold weather sucks.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. I hope everything is okay with you and the chicken, Noodle. Perhaps the unseasonable weather just has you out of sorts.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Yo Noodle, we all have ‘off’ days. Hopefully that’s all that’s going on. Between you and me, sometimes chickens creep me out too but I don’t growl at them. 😉 I think I’m just afraid of them since that time they chased me when I had a pail of grain for the horses. Nothing like flapping, screeching crazed chickens going after you to make you afraid of them.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I like chasing them because they make such silly noises when I do it! I can imagine how scared you were. 2 of our ducks chase me and 1 has actually bit me before. I’ll never admit that I deserved it…


  17. Nylabluesmum says:

    Mee-you Noodle oh oh growlin will get you inn seereuss trubble with yur Mumma!!
    Maybee you could ask her to feed you when it is quietur or in a quiet room???
    Were you finkin Chick-hen dinner when Bare-Butt was brott innside?? Mew mew mew….
    How did thee skype call with Lexi go???
    See Noodle; all you had to do was ask her an now you has a gurlfurend ❤
    Luv Siddhartha Henry ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • When Mya is here on the weekends, I have to eat in the room. That was the problem. She was here and Dad put my food in the normal place, not the room. Mom gets even more upset that it happens when Mya’s here because she’s never stolen my food – I’ve stolen hers! Chicken dinner….I don’t think I want to eat them because they make eggs and eggs are my favorite. They also make my 2nd favorite – chicken poop!

      Lexi had to wash her hair?!?!? She called me on the phone but said we had to reschedule the Skype. I’m glad I listened to you little friend. You’re very smart! ❤ ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  18. Nylabluesmum says:

    😉 Mee-you good finkin there not eat thee chick-henss!!! Ummm mee not tried chick-hen poop so mee jsut ake yur werd fur it ok??
    Lexi had to wash her hairss?? WHAT THEE KAT!?!?!?!
    Then again, maybee shee got innto sum chick-hen poop???
    Gurlss are sorta funny…wee just have to let them do their own fing…as mee hass had s many round mee since beein born mee knowss LOTSS bout them…ask mee anyfing!
    **nose bumpss** Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=

    Liked by 1 person

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